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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. LOL..i just realized you photoshopped his face and malibus in there..whos the other 2?
  2. i see him every chance i get, he usually plays at the hard rock. i have a drum stick signed by him and his crew..awesome peeps
  3. I work for the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, we seem to be pretty busy. But i work security, so if you get on my radar that means you drank to much, beat your wife/girlfriend, stole something or just became an a$$ hole. so for me..buisness is boomin..cause we have no lack of shitheads! As far as our buisnsess, we are actually at 110% occupancy for most of the week....just today alone we had 732 checkouts.
  4. i like cupcakes and chicken...just not together!
  5. yup been waiting to have my "I love me wall" everytime i have started one, my wife will take it down, and hang some artsy fartsy stuff, so now this is my room. but yeah some people just dont understand the "I love me wall"
  6. Tiff, Capt, Pete. Thanks it is exhausting. Especially when dealibg with everything all at once. And to top it off....my inlaws from New york will be here on wednesday next week! They are a cross between the Grizwalds and the sopranos! So got 2 more rooms to do. And finish with all of the appliances too.
  7. sorry to hear that buddy. hope it goes well.
  8. that sounds cool. i might be able to russel up some gear.
  9. remember my office??? well here it is after todays progress! before after a little tribute to my grandfather i put together, he fought in WWII in the 4th Infantry Division. When he was in Nurenburg he captured that flag and a photo album with pics of Hitler in it. some of my military awards oh yeah and i did the front yard today
  10. AWESOME !!!! congrats dave and april! all these DDR Girls!...and 1 boy! Ryder is gonna have his hands full for sure.. ummm dad...should i dune or chill like a pimp with tha ladies? she is beautiful April!!! congrats! where is your Regatta shirt?????
  11. with some decorations up in the kitchen. living room and dining room stairwell our room with the ghetto curtian (untill i can hang some new blinds) our closet...YUP she filled it! spare room is a disaster office is still tore up Ava's room still needs work
  12. thank you all very much....as far as the decorating...thats allllll julie. i have nothing to do with it other than paint it, replace it, pay for it, hang it, movie it and complain about it... julie has a good eye for stuff and how it comes together...gonna upload some other pics in a few min. will post up the better updated ones. Cole
  13. Thank you...and yes mailbu some floor machine thingy. Still have to tackle the up stairs.
  14. wish i could have made it...i almost called in to work to bust out the lambo 70 and go. But it just couldnt happen, Had Doctors appointments for li Ava and 2 hours of sleep. so just couldnt make it. Looks and sounds like fun as usual. Ill make it soon!!!!!
  15. well got the down stairs pretty much done, but going to re arrange it all and steam clean the tile. havent had alot of time to do much other than just work on the house and go to work. so here are a couple of pics. all of it is in progress.
  16. iam not ready yet iam sippin a few cold beers, got the garage clean and the living room done, but thats it.!!!
  17. when i had the seat done on my ATC 70. there is a shop on Main st off of charleston. a lil hablo style shop, he did great work and was reasonably priced, made it the way i wanted and re foamed it too. when i drive by tomorrow ill get a name for ya. ****EDIT**** US Upolstry on main st
  18. my house is a absolute disater!...iam not taking pics of it yet...give me a week or two to get everything situated and settled and ill throw up pics.
  19. always a good show!! BRAVO BRAVO!
  20. That tv was heavey as hell! And it didn't help pete was making funny a$$ comments while on the stairs while carring it...
  21. i have about 99% of everything moved, now its just little stuff...and appliances which i can get pretty much on my own, then its the daunting task of arranging everything in the new house...UGGGG...but atleast its indoors..lol.. thanks again to: Nicole and Mike for helping me paint! Steve and Pete for helping me move! Skinny Rob my two favorite lines that i heard when moving were. Mike: " Dude i knew you were moving...i didnt know you were starting from scratch" Pete: (while moving my Vera Wang Cal King matress) "Oh my god, its like moving a fat squishy drunk chick out of your house!" thanks again guys and gal...i couldnt have done it without you!
  22. that is awesome Tim. you got a good little girl! you should be proud!
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