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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. wow, iam glad to hear that your family is ok, hopefully not to badly hurt. and yes you will get your day in court. i know it dosent help but your family is safe now. sorry to hear about it.
  2. http://yuma.craigslist.org/cto/1191934989.html
  3. thats good that he has done it, being a previous drill sgt and a paratrooper, MP, and Infantry. I can tell you that he has had some good training. and if he pays attention then he should be just fine. listen to the salty dogs. iam still trying to get over to afganistan, iam just waiting for the army to let me go play with some explosives...nothing better than waking up and drinking some bad coffee and blowing some sh*t up! tell him were all proud of him! Cole
  4. well we went to the Ortho Doctor today and they said that Ava has to be in a harness for 3 months for her displaced hip. so here she is with her 4 point harness...i was looking for some crow stickers for it.. but she will be fine
  5. it just makes me sick that people that share the dunes with us would even say that..what if it was their son, daughter, wife or husband that was in the same situation? I hope they realize that. and if your reading this. DIRTBAGS!
  6. that sucks that someone would even say that..glad they are ok.. good lookin out chris!
  7. BUSTED OUT we made it home. momma is finally sleeping!
  8. just got home with momma and the baby, they are both doing good, i really want to thank you all for all of your support and thank you all for putting up with all my texting. we are soooooooo tired and yes we know its just begun...but it is well worth it. thanks again all.. and randog you better wear your 70s regatta shirt too...lol
  9. lol....it will be quite a drive across the atlantic
  10. oh well i have wasted more mony on less.
  11. no i havent, ive been a bit to busy here to do that...if they are not sold, then oh well, i just hate wasting money!
  12. thank you brother, much appreciated!
  13. the reason he is saying Frog...well she has a dislocated hip, so she has to go into a cast/cradle for the next 6 months untill her hip is secured into place...so she is in a "Frog leg" position...lol...thanks mike...you know when i get outta here....SQUIRREL!...lol
  14. thank you all so much...and to those of you that i was texting late last night,...sorry it was late...iam just very proud of my wife and daughter! just took this one
  15. sorry its been crazy since last night @ 11:35 last night little miss Ava Marie George came into this world with the greatest of ease, she let out such a loud scream, that everyone knew she was here. she is very very tiny 4 pounds 12 oz and 19 inches long, she is not a pre me, and we should be able to go home on either sat night or sun morning. and here are some pics, Momma Julie is doing great, she is quite the trooper! just arrived about 2 min ago holding daddy's finger momma and Ava already a DDR Member Daddy and Ava it will be a while before i get some riding boots, but daddy is getting my feet as a tattoo on him.
  16. isnt that when you rode with Wyatt Earp? :hatdance:
  17. her water just broke about 30 min ago...at 4 or 5 cm..WOOOO HOOOO!!!
  18. stubborn kid!... julie is now knocked out with the help of some goofy juice they just gave her...so she is laying here drooling on herself and all calmed down...i wish they could have given me some of that...lol i have a feeling that this lil girl wont get here till late tonight!
  19. latest update... 3cm, as soon as she hits 4cm, she gets the Epidural..and then bada boom bada bing!...whallah presto instant baby!
  20. id hate to see them go to waste... id never hear the end of it if i went by myself...lol um...when did you last dune?
  21. white...OD Green...black...either..ill pm you my address
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