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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. thats called a taranchula wasp Taranchula Hawk. It is a wasp. This wasp has a rather unique way to spread its species. During the day it acts like any other wasp and feeds on flower nectar. At night it seeks out taranchula's burrows. It uses its feelers to entice the taranchula out. Sometimes the taranchula is too smart for it and won't come out. However if the taranchula is not smart it will come out. And a amazing dance ensues. If the wasp gets the better of the taranchula then it stings the taranchula until its docile. However it does not kill it. It then goes into the taranchula's burrow and does some rearranging and house cleaning. Mainly taking some rocks and dirt out and clearing the opening more. Once its done with the house cleaning the wasp stings the taranchula some more to make sure it stays docile and deposits it back into the burrow. The wasp leaves a little surprise however for the taranchula. There is an egg left on the the taranchula or in the burrow and when the larvae hatches it has a nice large meal to begin its life.
  2. yes going to scottsdale for it...call me on my cell this week if you can and you can tell me about it
  3. amazing...90 people get the swine flu and everyone wears a mask...1 million people get aids and you cant convince them to wear a condom!
  4. good job time..but you dont realize your raising the prices out here in vegas...LMAO! just kidding..... that was my decoy...
  5. i know peeps have talked about it, but i havent heard anything about anyone going, so i posted this in the logandale thread also. iam gonna go rock the mog this sat out at logandale, got a few people interested in going, I will meet anyone that wants to go. when? : May 9th where? the only gas station in Logandale time? 9am meet and greet. Leave by 9:15 / 9:20 i can carry any extra gas, fuel, beer coolers so who is up?
  6. iam going to take that same course in a few weeks myself. how was it? me and a buddy are going to take the instructor course.
  7. oh...i didnt say it wasnt dumb...and i do agree with ash ...but honestly...iam speachless
  8. now that was funny as hell...but why are you looking up sheep?
  9. actually i think its f*ckin funny that NYC went into a knee jerk panic reaction...good let em run...makes them all look like idiots. there was proper comunication from the Gvt. to the FAA for the air space, so it is actually the government and the FAA's fault not telling the news and local authorites that this was going to happen. as far as the eco foot print.....i got nothin...lol...sorry ash..and yes it was a HUGE waste of money...they could have done that anywhere with 2 cameras, and Photoshop!
  10. http://s361.photobucket.com/albums/oo53/RA...nt=P4160003.flv
  11. that thing is baaaad a$$!....i was really really impressed...i was trying to con mike into going for a ride....that didnt work out so well...lol..
  12. Pete got some bad a$$ pics off on the lambo 70! thanks again!
  13. now i have no hot water...shaving this dome i call a head hurts with cold water!...is there anyone that could give me a hand with this thing?... and i still need vvvvvvvvvvvv does anyone know anyone who can do carpet for a good price? Iam going to get another house in August, and it needs some carpet done. any help would be good thanks! Cole
  14. is there anyone that does sell an extended warranty for something that old with that many miles?
  15. http://www.usfidelis.com it will cover a vehicle thats up to 15 years old and under 250K milage. I have read good and bad about them, some say scam, they word their contract that within 60 days or 3000 miles of first getting it, you cant make a claim. I havent called them yet to see if that is true. and in the last 3 years they have had 803 complaints with the BBB. so iam kinda on the fence with this my truck is a 1997 Ranger with 130K miles...so iam going to see what it would take to cover it. and how much it would be.
  16. this thread has gone in so many directions... it gets an F! F for FAIL!
  17. happy birthday brotha!..i was looking at the invite that Tessa sent me, but i was trying to figure out how i was going to get out there...had to work at the Hard Rock all week!.. we will catch up soon!
  18. yup iam a radical then...and the military taught me all i need to know to take over a small country...i only lack the man power!
  19. it was a pimped out van with red crushed velvet interior and all for $1100.00!!!!!
  20. 9 out of 10 caused by humans...how many are caused by ATVs
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