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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i was all geeked out riding in Mikes doing a wheelie, i couldnt imigane actually doing one in a car while driving...what a rush!
  2. only made it a few times, work was scarce and money was tight, but i was glad when i did get out for the couple of times i did. i still think you would have been taller......
  3. ahh yes....time for the pool at work...dam those tiny bathing suits..dunk guys from Orange County..Joisey Chicks wearing 8 inch heels to the pool...dam the hot weather!
  4. wow...250.00...that might be a consideration, and i do appreciate your brutaly honest opinion. I think that if you didnt hold back you might have talked me down to just giving it to you..lol thats the funniest thing i have read in a long time... i was actually trying to think of something witty to come back to..but i got nothin... :gayboy:
  5. funny...my buddy didnt call them leprechauns...he called them "Tonks" thats the sound their flashlights made when they got thumped in the head..
  6. I got nothin... except this: OOPS...did i post that?
  7. its coming to shape!...i put on the plastics just to see how its going to look..and put some detail on some of the bolts and nuts.
  8. thanks guys, it means alot, there is alot that has gone into it, i can FINALLY see the finish line!...lol.. just a few more things, going to order the pipe on friday! WOOO HOOOOO!
  9. my wife is definatley a DDR Widow, and she has tried to change it..but it isnt happening. between the 70s in the garage, work and DDR, my wife dosent get alot of time..lol..congrats Pete..thats alot of dam posts!
  10. almost looped it...this was the look on his face!
  11. its a "gonna hurt like hell later" cactus...that sucks!
  12. had to get the tank repainted, and today i got my plastics and got dropped off to the painter. So in the next couple of days i should have everything back and installed, ordering a pipe in a couple of days.
  13. iam collecting some baby stuff for them, if anyone has any uni sex stuff or baby boy stuff that they want to donate, iam heading out that way on wednesday. iam taking a few things for them that i have collected, and a few things that iam picking up from a friend. Now that i know i only need girl stuff, my office has been offocially turned into a nursery for lil Ava Marie. Since Randog is having a boy, he gets all the boy stuff that i have. let me know if you have anything, and ill shoot it up that way on wednesday Cole 702-233-6338 DDR Babies ROCK!!!!!
  14. its hard to get this green to show good on film, so here are some day shots:
  15. it may look as fast as a lambo when iam done...but iam doubting it will set a land speed record..lol...just a cost to build a record!
  16. just depends on how silly you want to get...obviously i went overboard and spend alot of money...but you let me know what you want done and ill get you a price.
  17. just started getting painted parts back tonight...so here is a little tease! with and without flash
  18. what sad, ive met him a ton of times at the hard rock, and he is one of the nicest guys, he met me one time and always remembered my name, they were just in town for the MAGIC show (clothing show) and they held it in Wasted Space. RIP
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