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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. attach handles to it and throw it in the trash!
  2. well i still havent down loaded all the pics from it, but it was a dam good time!! i got a card from cheese, mike n jodi got me a bitchen shop light! and alot of cool stuff happened, pics to come soon but here is the card that i got in the mail!
  3. well here are my 2 that i have here, and my other 2 are on their way from illinois, and iam picking up 2 more in arizona this week, and here are my birthday presents! just ordered 3 big bore kits and pipes, and i have some other goodies for my 74 atc 70 that iam restoring to original condition.
  4. well iam guessing that who ever did it will be left swinging in the wind!...and will end up with out a job and t*ts up with out a job..man that sucks.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz2kYHOXi1I...feature=related
  6. yes officer i was pinned...and that dam beer kept chasing me!...he is quick..must got NOS!
  7. well i was getting ready to get the 70..and i had some time to kill.so then i was looking up haji videos and i was going to make my own ransom pic/video and hold his 70 hostage...SpecOpPete foiled my plans though. i was going to bust out one of my guns and dress like this guy with some crazy haji music in the backround and maybe get some vest on like this:
  8. right on Pete, looks like a fun trip! still think you should have climbed that north pole! iam glad you got your 70 before i got my video camera!
  9. only because bob needs 2 to putt around on one.... j/k bob well i will help out in anyway i can. ill get some barrels and set that up, and get a drag course set up too! who had the christmas tree lights? (starting light)
  10. ahhhhh there it is...my bad durka durka
  11. iam a little curious as to what track or events were going to have? barrel race's drag race wheelie contest cmon pete inquiring minds want to know!
  12. no i didnt not get this....lol...iam going to kill you.... and its dont do that to me fugger! i already have 2 girls, i need a boy... :black:
  13. been there seen that....just one more out of the gene pool!..GO DARWIN!
  14. well for anyone who is coming, here is the address 9132 watermelon seed ave lv, nv 89143 just bring some finger foods, ill BBQ up some chicken and get a Keg of Beer.
  15. i dunno...he has been drinking...lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  16. hey Cole how about name it siebzig regatta...since glamis has tres regatta
  17. yeah he was super fast! wonder what he had for a motor!??!?!?!?!?
  18. so pete, what are the events? 1/16 mile drags barrel races relay race track enduro track endurance race wheelie contest whats it gonna be?
  19. stfu...lets finish our game on XBOX..ill snipe your arse!
  20. not me...i love wet backs....they do a great job on my lawn! just kidding..iam my own wet back!
  21. i didnt plan on another one..maybe he has something up his sleeve?
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