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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAuLmQYUD9o
  2. getting ready to go to cali tonight to go see about this "Mecca" of ATC 70 parts in a salvage yard!...might just come back with some spare parts.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPI1fqyJVA0 this is hella cool!
  4. i have about 200 of these kinds of pics....some not so work safe...but definatley funny!
  5. well just got back from the doctor, and on Feb 6th we have our next doctors appt, THAT is when we find out if we get a Blue dirt bike or a Pink dirt bike!
  6. aweeeee sooo cute!...hopefully it dosent eat alot. hope you and NitWhit are happy proud parents! i would call it "Bud" if i were you. because iam sure that when you crash..your gonna say..."Bud....i shouldnt have done that...or Bud i could use another one...that hurts like hell!"
  7. when your truck is bigger than your brain
  8. thats crazy!!! just wondering wtf they were thinking..."2nd gear?...naaaawwwww...3rd...your good....pin it!
  9. its a 10 seater right now...but if we add some seats we can knock it down to a 4 seater. LOL pete...just trying to lighten your day since the is down i gotta keep occupied
  10. josh was logged on to my computer...so here is what we did yesterday. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  11. ive got a line on some ATC Parts, going there this weekend, i can always look around, from what i understand this guy has a 40ft trailer full of ATC stuff... 70s 200sx, 350x 250r and wha not, i can always look for a tank there for ya... I was checking Ebay and there is a ton of stuff on there as well...stickers, tanks, frames...you name it. btw all the CRF 50 /XR 50 stuff will fit...lookng into a Takagawa 88cc and a 110cc big bore kit for some friends too.
  12. i heard it was a quad...and some dude went over comp...and lawn darted on the other side.....alot of rumors going on about that night.
  13. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=48335841
  14. i do belive that we are due for an upadate Bob!
  15. yeah...2 or 3 i did, got pulled for the same...i was kinda shocked but not suprised...reload it and rename it.
  16. so iam thinking a DDR Baby shower! DDR Kids to be! Randog "daddy dizzle" Ragdoll MX (aka Nachooo) Baaa Berrrrrrt Cheese April
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