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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. if its a boy.... Colby (my name) and if its a girl Bree ....lol
  2. hey jodi....whats on the back of your tail light.
  3. looks awesome! i would like to do that in my backyard with planters and my BBQ
  4. i DVR'd it, and i was listening to the radio in the back round... and you hear one of his guys go "Robbie Maddison...your the f*cking man!"..and then one of his buddies runes up..."your the sh*t man!" it was funny, cause i know it was all live...
  5. looks cld...but glad you had a good time..i got stuck working at wasted space watching Pink play there
  6. well i can say this....that mog can put up with some abuse...and it holds up ver very well....well now iam going to look for some long travel rhino arms, and re do the entie front end....now watch...before long, the rear end will be 4 linked and heimed..
  7. half of my buttons on my lap top are not working...need to clean it
  8. took the Mog out to Apex yesterday to go play. I let my buddies kids go play in it, (i usually never worried about it, they dont really mob it to badly.) well were sitting around the camp fire and l am watching the lights go up and down, back up (apparently looking for the space shuttle) and back down apparently looking for the Titanic....and then i see the kids bring the mog back...ok..cool...it still runs. so as the fire gets bigger, i decide to back up the mog, and when i get in it...its got this...umm..."gangsta lean" to it...so i get out and look at it...tire is flat...ok...no biggie..air it up..put a plug in it...well it airs up with out needing plug..and then i see that it STILL dosent look right. My wheels have a minor Tow issue.. so after carefull inspection and a minor tear down.... the struts are bent...a little.... iam not overly worried about it....i just thought it was funny to have a 12yr old Robby Gordon Test Driver rockin the and the culprit Bryanna "the Destroyer"
  9. :porn: a only 21.95....oh wait...39.95....dam we were excited!...the 21.95 was just our bar tab...
  10. I just found out i have to work!..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR not thrilled! ill be working Waed Space @ the Hard Rock...barstow...home...work..no apex for me!
  11. ill be at your shop in the morning Pete. see ya at 8am
  12. i did send and email: i sent it to: ckassar@biologicaldiversity.org I would like to take a moment to explain a few things to you and your "Anti Thrillcraft" propaganda. I have been an off roader for many years, and my of our friends are as well. I ride in the Southern Nevada. I enjoy playing in the Sand Dunes and in the open desert. Now mind you I do take it very serious. I ride where Iam told to ride, I dont go out into Preserve's or Restricted areas. I enjoy my ride time. My whole family does. We use that time to enjoy eachother and bond like a family. We catch up with our friends that enjoy the same sport. When we camp out, we dont bring glass, we dont burn plastic. we pack it in....and pack more out. As a Military member for over 13 years, I applaud your dedication to close off the lands that I feel that I have earned the right to ride. I also will defend your right to think or feel or even say what you want. But now that I am on the soap box, I will give you MY OPINION. I do not feel that all lands should be shut down, mabe some closed for a certian amount of time for the vegetation to regrow, or the beetle to come scurry back. At that point, then we should be able to come back to that land, and then the other closed to do the same. But to be so closed minded as I feel that you are......Well is INSANE! Do you also realize that the lands we ride on are usually accessable through fees? Do you also realize that almost 75% of that money goes to Tree Huggers like yourself that are still trying to shut down the same lands that we pay to ride on? I would like to go on and on. But I only get irritated and I do not feel that I should loose my cool. That would only fuel the fire. We are not the "Typical" off roaders. We take care of our lands, we promote and practice clean up days. I only ask that you look and comment on those of us that DO take care of our lands, instead of slamming all of us as the hardcore bare breasted partiers you think we all are. Good day Colby George Las Vegas NV
  13. LOL..now its my backround!...even with your Icons...cant wait for the wife to click on those... :kissass:
  14. looks like ill have to got get a TB Drive toet some music from you...lol...
  15. same here...should be there by 10am...and long enought to have lunch and a beer...then back to vegas...its mine and my wifes 10 year aniversary, so i need to get back home and load the mog and off to apex for some fun!
  16. Kris, just get it to Pete ... and thank you!
  17. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee another good one...although the usic will make you want to pull your skin off!
  18. Che Che your more than welcome to roll out with me. ill be leavng at 8am on wednesday morning..meeting up with cheese @10am and Britncali. anyone else just make sure you get a hold of me if you wan anything picked up tomorrow 702-726-0497 Cole
  19. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :laughing: they came out better than i thought! what was great was you drunkies were not een paying attention for the longest time. it was just me and the monkey....carefull i might steal him later.
  20. Cool deal Bert, Just give them to Pete ill get them Tuesday If you live on the North or NW side of town, ill pick it up from ya on Monday or tuesday. if your in Henderson, then try to get everything to Pete. BTW...anyone want to be my road warrior?
  21. just got off the phone with Cheese. told him that if we get alot of stuff, that i would drive up and meet him in barstow and give him all of our donations. My wife and i are going to donate some boxes of lothes, i know that he is bigger than me, so my pants and shirts wont fit him, but i know that some of julies stuff will fit. so if any of you bigger guys want to give up some stuff just let me know and ill get some stuff picked up from you all. Cole
  22. ill give him a couple boxes of clothes and some house hold stuff...is anyone going out that way? who can i give it to?
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