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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. yeah, had rented pure from blockbuster,played it for quite a while! Dirt is fun iam playing the championship now. and ATV MX Unleashed is cool to!
  2. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...... whew... thought i might have to open a can of whooopass...show someone up on the :2gunsfiring:
  3. i have it on my Xbox360...great game, i was wondering about 25 minutes into it..."why is this so dam long?" then i figured out that i was actually racing the Baja.
  4. blaaa blub blub blub! blaaa blub blub blub!
  5. Hey pete remember i was trying to remember what movie had this creepy lil voodoo doll that comes alive? found it!...go to the 4:00 on the video! almost sounds like daddy dizzle's brother puking....blaaa blub blub blub!
  6. thanks for the new ringtone! yeah...whateva! http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/
  7. COOL AND FUN GAME! http://linerider.com/en/node/365244
  8. LOL...where do i send my external hard drive?
  9. got my girls more stuff than i can think of, or want to write down, they definatley made out. Jules got me a new FMF Hoodie and Jacket, and a new Alpinestar hat and 2 more books on the Hells Angels!!!! I got Jules new skeechers and a Homemedic back massager with the shiate (spelling) massager and heater!
  10. we need to complie all the peeps threads into one show.. i mean thread! awesome job you nut case!
  11. Dave i hope that you find your stuff, that really sucks! get them bastids!...now ill help ya find a Long Travel :angry2:
  12. finally got the trailer and the 3 bikes clean...tomorrow ....the
  13. wow...i no idea that you could actually type in BULLSHIT .....cool
  14. daddy dizzle and OGP sent me their external hard drive and i gave them all of my music, and tole them to take out what they didnt want. plus if you give me a list of groups that you like i could always DL it for you. and put it on a hard drive or on some CDs.
  15. lol...ive used lime wire for about 5 years....and yes it it free, and i dont feel a dam bit bad about not paying for something that i can hear on the raido for free... DM, if you need a help on how to use it, just come over and use my lime wire for a while, ill show ya the way it works, or just bring an external hard drive and ill give you about 20G of music for free, and then you can just go through it and take out what you dont want.
  16. awesome pics! i like how you wrote in the snow with no foot prints...atleast the snow wasnt yellow where it was written.
  17. yup...i destroyed the pole...it was abused and made me look bad... and remember wasnt there when my mog got violated :lol:
  18. iam probably going to go out to Apex for a one nighter with my girls..if not then just chill at the house, wont be able to hit Dumont till Prez weekend.
  19. kenny bought another truck? i use cash for everything, we got nailed for some dumb sh*t before when julie lost her wallet. so i keep the atm, and credit cards at home, if i need something we just go to the bank, it is a pain in the a$$, but my money (what little bit there is) is safe. sorry to hear about your loss tiff, that sucks especially right before christmas!
  20. definatley good times!, i attemped to ski behind the mog in the mud. it worked for a bit....once again not one of my brightest moves...but it was fun. my girls did great, Rea standing in at a whopping 4'10 was riding the KX125, even though she couldnt reach the ground so Rea kept riding till she saw me standind there, and i would have to catch her when she stopped so that way gravity wouldnt take effect and Destany was rocking the 85 and she is about 4 inches taller than Rea. she had a great time, taught here how to ride it in about 15 minutes. Amanda and Josh were a blast to hang out with, it was Josh's mission to get me all muddy, so i was dodging the RM250 everytime i turned around. good times for sure! here are a few more pics:
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