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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. iam tellin ya dave....straight up trade.....its worth it!
  2. dune racer 77, what were you riding..i might have those pics.... as far as the last night i left my mog with some friends in our camp, Nicole, and Brianna & my buddy Dave, so they could go play in it....so i had nothing to do with guys in loin cloths and wigs that were dancing on it...i was already safe at home... now the the pole is no longer super sized, i think iam going to get rid of the pole and just make the bed a beer pong table. iam looking for my cable to upload my pics, maybe sometime this morning. still sore as hell from all the stoppies, it was funny when i was rolling through comp or around camps you would hear people just yell out "DO A STOPPIE!"...my wife and i were rolling! Good times for sure!
  3. just got back last night about 7, i was asleep at 830. so here is a quick breif. leaving on wednesday, it was raining (lightly) made it over the hump and through the fog on Potisi it was slow going, you could only see about 50 feet in front of you. got to the entry road, and because it had rained, the road was good, no dust, and fairly smooth, the flats were nice and packed and no dust there either, found our camp right away, (camped with mike, jodi, stacey, Paul and amanda, and nicole...and a ton of other peeps. Wednesday night was just chillin at camp for the most part. just doing stoppies in the sand with the mog, and then off to comp for some fun, thursday, woke up with no hangover WOOO HOOO, went riding on the two wheeler, and in the mog, Nicole fell in love with driving the Mog, so that freed me up to stay on the two wheeler, had to make a couple fixes on the mog from mobing it the night before. DINNER TIME!....num num num...good food...good peep..full belly! sat around only because now i was too full of food to move3, then off to comp again. for more antics and debauchery. friday was a recap of wed and thurs, and sat was just putting around in the mog with my wife and "Smudge", finally had to pack up and get going, apparently i took almot 400 pictures, so ill get them loaded up tonight and see how it looks and post them up tonight.
  4. listen my mini driving arse is going...so you need to ditch the USC game and go!
  5. the crew cheif was funny, he had a whole schtick, it was crazy. he was saying " ladies and gentlemen, just incase this is our last flight, i want you to know that i wasnt flying the plane, and that our death will be quick for those of us that are in front of the plane, we will act as an air bag for those in the back, but dont fear the vehicles and the fire will kill the rest that lived"
  6. here are some video links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX5PCyOGt-Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QKqKPC928g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1rPlfwZQmA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHxZU4hkTRQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9_PbMCdses
  7. yeah thats a C17, its pretty bad a$$, when it took off, it did a combat take off and landing, it was CRAZY! straight up on take off, banked right...banked left..then spiral climb up to 15K feet!...and same with the landing from 15K feet to 1K, and then landed in this tiny arse box on the runway and a full stop, full reverse thrusters and hard on the breaks!, that plane was shaking and vibrating worse than a freezing chihuaha!
  8. so here are a few pics from this weekend out at san clemente island its where the Naval BUDS training facility is. its where the Phase 3 of training is for the Navy Seals. we did some M16 training, and some demolition training while we were there, i couldnt take alot of pictures of the seals due to their secrecy. but good taining none the less. so here are some pics.
  9. dont get any ideas and send me yours!
  10. :angry2:...NOOOO...that is the guy that they pulled out on the stretcher... thats funny....i wouldnt be topless watching myself....my wife would be!
  11. todays addition to the mog! just like BA Bert and OGP!
  12. its mine...so i do...but as you can see..my wife is preggo...so she does it for me....LOL...:dumbass:
  13. i love me..and thats all that matters!
  14. well still waiting on orders, but from all the "water cooler" talk, it is getting closer and closer!
  15. whewwwww...thought there was someting else that was going to be there that i wouldnt be proud of...lol...IAM GOOD! and thats my neighbors cooler on fire!...dam you should have seen me explain that one!..."of course it was funny...YOU were not the one on FIRE!" glad that you had a great time mike! happy b day you ol fart!
  16. for anyone who has taken their life in my hands during the stoppies are signing the nose of the mog and becoming part of "The Stunt Crew"
  17. omg......iam going back to bed and pretend none of that ever happened....to include me being set ablaze
  18. congrats brother..sorry i missed the thread!!!
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