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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. before i posted it in you tube vids, i musta watched it about 15 times! incredible!
  2. well it was hard as hell to get mike outta the house, but we finally did.. dam good time, aside from being put on fire and having to do the stop drop and roll...hey wait a min......WTF is up with me and my spouse being on fire at parties? iam sure pics will come........dammit! observations..... Mike is to lazy on sunday to get outta the house.. not enough shiet to do on the mog to get him over here wow thats alot of candles apparently i can catch on fire easily with carb cleaner wet clothes suck! angela is now deadly with a knife there is no such thing as "stop drop and roll"...its "slap slap and splash" more to come, but iam drunk....lol...dam fire!
  3. lol...re post...beat ya to it...lol..still bad arse driver!


    id love to see coture win..and send lesnar packin back to make belive wrestling...but i think lesnar is going to win this one...
  5. oh wow...i knew it was soon...just didnt know it was already!..wow congrats!
  6. Ken Block is totally the man i never want to drive with!! http://video.kenblockracing.com/flash/play...p;video_id=9183 id look like this guys passenger!
  7. thanks brother, did you guys have the new baby yet?
  8. well was at Julies first appt with an ultrasound this morning...we got pics of our "lil bun in the oven"..we have aptly named him "Smudge" so we saw the heartbeat and he just chillin in there. DDR...Meet Smudge... Julie got her lil computer and i got mine....i even got DDR on it... what a cool DR.s Office!!!
  9. CNN: just reported d*ck Cheney just invited Obama on a hunting trip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obama is the first black president, and will be moving into the white house, but it dosent change the fact that there is still a black man in Government housing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry couldnt resist...
  10. honestly i dont mind the figts, ive been in about 15 or so since ive been there, but they really have to push the issue to get into a brawl.
  11. i am in the pool doing security there, the other guys wear blue. it makes it easier fro them to see me if iam in trouble in the pool..
  12. sharon is the best boss ever, she really takes care of us!
  13. http://www.trutv.com/shows/rehab/index.html iam not in the first episode, but iam in a few its on tonight at 10...its hysterical!
  14. got my parts on today, got the mog running, and put on my bling, the offsett of the wheels were killing me, i ended up having to cut some more out of the fenders and doors...but no more rubbing! woo hoo! Kyle, iam not sure what ranger your talking about, i dont remember seeing one in my neighborhood.
  15. well iv ebeen thinking about this... Obama....good luck.. 1. You have inherited a bunch of BS from a war (who knows what you will do about that) most likely pull out and cut your military. 2. Your trying to make it illegal for me to defend myself in my own home. 3. Apparently you are just a Communist in sheeps clothing, trying to turn this country into a socialist country. 4. Good luck with your Secret Service agents....iam sure that they are willing to take a bullet for you. 5. Congratulations on getting the black citizen voter registration up 400%. But its to bad they dont know what they are really voting for. 6. Why did it take you 7 years to get to Iraq and visit the troops? Seems to me that you should have done that along time ago. 7. If your wife isnt proud of this country till now, then does it make it ok for me not to be proud of of your ideals and views? or is that just "Un American?" 8. I dont care if your half black, half white, to me your 100% Jackass. 9. Bush really screwed up the economy, between greed, oil, and a personal vendetta, and bad buisness decisions. God only know what you will do.....it cant possibly get any worse right?...well we will see. One of those Anti American countries will test you and see if you have a spine. so in closing Obama, good luck!
  16. thats awesome!...where did you find it? and yeah its haulin arse!..must have a busa motor....hmmmmmmm
  17. LOL......yeah..iam on that...
  18. thats sad, ive seen so many accidents out there on 160, bikes, trucks, bicycles..truly sad
  19. still would have loved to have gone, but i actually got some needed work done on the mog, so ill be ready for turkey day..glad everyone had a good time! glad the poker run was a hit!
  20. well if you dont like that eyeball.....iam gonna dare ya to fix it at dumont for turkey day!
  21. well i know its been a while since my last update.. but got some new wheels and semi new tires, a used alternator and a new pulley. also in my travels i manage to get a new red top optima battery too.
  22. :B not me...that dude has hair and a mustache...lol and this is the pic you were talking about and for the record....thats not me
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