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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. yup got a PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHFINDER 4.0L V6...it works for me and the wifey! they wanted 20K for it...i got it for 13K...and they paid off my beast...with the wrap and the stacks on it... either way i was spending almost 800 a month between fuel and truck payment..now i should save atleast 300. i got a good deal..and it will pull 3500 lbs...and all it needs to pull is a mog and a trailer
  2. good info to know...maybe vegas style should have gotten a gps tracking device on his GPS device that would be funny to watch your bike go puttin away after you remote start it!
  3. dam brother, hope you get it back!!!..prob some tweaker
  4. HOLY HELL!!!!!! well for some reason...no matter what i type in..it comes up on here as CRAPSPACE.... well go to my space and go to videos and type in "buggy jump" and look for the rhino that cartwheels.
  5. that is an awesome car..tottally looks different...now if it was beat up a bit and had some machine guns on the side. it would be the perfect MAD MAX Vehicle!! awesome ride!!
  6. to many dam pics of me on the stripper pole.....i was...umm ....testing the structural integrity of the mount..um...yeah...it holds fat...just not SandSoulja
  7. alot of people are saying keep my Ford... but iam just getting raped 30 miles one way to work...if i could get my wife to drive the truck i would take her car to work...i dont know what to do...SO CONFUSED!!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. OMG.... well good times for sure.. since i have had Jeff Chapmans trailer, i have gotten 2 flats, and i recently found out that a 99 Dodge Ram 1500 spare tire will fit...if its inverted...I got some deep dish wheels on the trailer. dead batteries suck Mogs Rock!...hey Brian..mines faster up hill lawn darting the mog was hystricial! stacy will never ride with me again Britincali was awesome...lkived up to everything he types... yes Brian i ended up telling the story about 10 times on the mog...but it has been a blast to work on got alot of signatures on the bar..they started off pretty legiable..by the end of the night it was pretty much scribbled. hey shannon...."who are you and whats your story?"....MY BAD... iam sooo hung over...still sand in the eye sucks. well got some bugs to work on on the mog with the battery...but it will be better..stronger...and probably not faster. purple nurple nipple was hystrical!..quite the man I lost the bet that Anna would be the first on the pole. UFC in the camp took me by suprise...good wrestling around with Jodi and stacy...how the hell did that happen anyway!?!?! Pete, Anna, OGP, Woody..the whole gang..always good to see you all! thanks for the good times! GOOD TIMES!!!!!
  9. good times!...i forgot that i was talking to brian about this...LOL
  10. so i ve been talking for my wife, and i think that iam going to see about trading in my Super duty...still need something to tow the mog, 4x4 would be nice...and some what fuel efficent would be reallly nice... been looking at a couple of Jeeps, but not sure what else that i want... any suggestions, i dont want to spend a fortune...maybe about 12- 15 K at mostif i could find a beater for about 1500.00 id rock that to and from work and just keep my Super Duty for Dune Season... found this...iam sure i could talk them down... http://www.peoplesnv.com/VehicleDetails/1069280314 i just know ill get a$$ raped with my truck!
  11. yup gecko wraps did it. and we put a matte laminate on it for a couple of reasons, looks better, wont scratch, wont get a sheen if light hits it. glad you like it JT! it sure looks sweet!
  12. going to be at 50caliberacing 's shop tomorrow morning at 9am to get out the plasma cutter...gonna do some serious surgery on the mog. cut out the hole for the stripper pole cut off the rear fenders cut out the doors for front speakers build the mount for the stripper pole build the tailgate frame get the cables set for the bed sides so the bar and the seat are functional build the new battery box wire the Pro Comp lights up... so got alot to do before i can go....but iam going to do my best!
  13. got the stereo re mounted...looking for a reason there is a draw in the elec system..for some reason my tail lights dont work...so iam trying to track that problem down before the dune trip. before: after
  14. iam trying to talk Dunejnky into going with myself and Pred500rider if we do go, then we wont leave till sat evening about 6 or 7, and we all have to be back in the morning for work.....gonna pull an all nighter!!!!
  15. thats AWESOME!!!! get some dirty water dogs mogs at the dunes!!
  16. ill wrap it for ya!!! www.geckowraps.com
  17. you mean the Mc Mog Mog pic?
  18. listen...iam not that bright...as a matter of fact iam usually dumber than a bag of dicks at times...but i know that i wouldtn even try that, ...ok maybe...but not with out a foam pit!!!
  19. here are some pics of the bar
  20. they had actuall drums..it was an awesome show
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