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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. that was awesome!!!!...cant wait for it to rain in my neighbor hood now...
  2. no no no...i heard it was tonight...ill start a new thread so everyone knows about it....
  3. i worked that concert last night....what an awesome concert....i actually had to kick out one chick...she was wayyyyyy drunk and wayyyyy stooooopid...and then i found some dude passed out in the isle...we took him to the back and AMR ended up taking him to the hospitial...well he was WAS restrained....then he became combatitive, bit a medic and was hauled to jail....other than that it was a gooooood time... i get to work Rehab at the pool today from 9am to 11pm.....iam gonna like this job!..iam already scheduled to work the sex pistols, and slighty stoopid and a whole list of concerts. wooo hoooo...
  4. now that was funny!....almost as good as the DEI thread ..it was in the GM corvette forum... http://www.autoblog.com/2007/11/16/asinine...aust-injection/
  5. no, shane loyd does, his work is awesome, he also has a flat rate price for farm equi..i mean rhino's, and he already said that he would make a killer deal to anyone from DDR. trailers, rails, trucks, bikes, boats, or Mogs.... so if anyone needs any vynil just let me know.. if you are already getting it done somewhere else we will price match. as for all of your support, thanks it means alot. and yes i can bounce back pretty fast... thanks again all you DDR Folks!!!! Cole
  6. ohhh dat a berry berry niiiiceeee....
  7. thanks guys. honestly its no big deal. iam actually glad it happened, 80 hrs a week for peanuts...not worth it.. now i got 2 good jobs and ill save some money this summer!
  8. i was laid off from Arctic Ice about 2 weeks ago. They dont have the money to pay me to keep working...even though i dam near worked for free anyway...well neither here nor there. i always tend to bounce back, i actually got 2 jobs (as usuall) so ill be back on my feet in no time. I figured that i would just get it out in the open,so that way no one would be wispering stuff that isnt true. the company isnt doing so good, and for my position "Sponsorship and Special Events Director" it would be the first to go...i dont care...its no biggie... i did manage to get a job with not only Geckowraps.com , but also got a security job doing the special events at the hard rock hotel and casino....that mean i get to see ALL the concerts for free..wooo hooo..not a glamorous job, but at least i have some bennies with it... so if there is a rumor going around...this is the truth.... was at arctic ice......now....not so much now at Gecko Wraps...and i like it working nights and special events at the hard rock as well.. Cole
  9. i remember i almost got banned the second day i was on here for this...so ill try to restart the funny picture thread.
  10. can someone please tell me who this looks like......its killin me...its on the tip of my tounge...
  11. slow motion...this is wayyyyyy cool!...wait till the end...the guy with the bottle of water...and the fat guy....hystercial! http://www.myspace.com/aplaceforvideo
  12. 20 bucks and a case of beer! ill take it!
  13. actually the mexican blankets were next, julie and i are working on the interior this week...putting in the new fuzzy dash complete with a dashboard Hula, fuzzy dice, a crazy a$$ shifter that iam building, and some other cool stuff
  14. thats coming my friend.......just have to find one
  15. thats HUGE....its hard enought to go park my super duty...much less that beast.
  16. thanks randog,.....iam hitting a junk yard later this week to go look for some stuff.
  17. we decided we are not going to fix the eyeball we are just gonna put sunglasses on it!!!! B)
  18. ok kids, i told everyone that the mog was going to be this eclectic strange creation, so iam looking for odds and ends that will just make people scratch their heads, and go WTF?...so if any of you DDR folks out there, have anything strange, that i can either bolt on, weld, tape down on to the Mog, let me know...Price needs to be low....but free is better... things like: Hood Ornaments Lights (spot, strobe,rope,running lights, ) anything that looks old, and rustic, yet industrial spent shell caseings anything at all. thanks! Cole
  19. since catapults are not readily available...iam gonna say the water... or you could use a trebuchet to launch it....good luck on getting it to float.
  20. this is last nights progress...got some stuff to do to it this weekend... but its fully painted, need to catch up to Powerhouse and get some tires for it. thats the next step..
  21. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: now that was friggin funny....maybe i could just make my MOG with a on the right side...
  22. staying here, julie is out of town..she goes to cali...i get some rest...LOL
  23. almost out of the gene pool! youd think i was drivin! and you all think I have to much time on my hands..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpCf-agUwj0...feature=related
  24. i dont get it....you think i should fix the eye?....i really dont understand......... :breakdance: quit beating around the bush bob...just come out and say it...i should fix the eye or not?..geez your so hard to read sometimes.....
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