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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. been doing some research on them, and found alot of different ones out there, and even some places that have different ones.....hmmm i might just start a fleet of these and sell some ice cream! Good for business delivery purpose like: water station fresh bread softdrinks karaoke rental machine shops fish dealer fruits dealer vegetables dealer tires & battery etc... also: for school service, ambulance http://ph.88db.com/ph/Services/Post_Detail.../?PostID=155638 iam so diggin on this one!.....
  2. Oh Fank you berry berry much uhh meestir barefut bob, i wood rike to tehl everyone sat i make a hole freet of ice-a cream a trucks for da dumont. you arrre a berry berry inspiring with tha words a you say. Sincerray Samurai Cole
  3. yeah i got off kinda easy...glad i dint wake up with a hitler mustache, or some elvis porkchops..
  4. well went to a birthday party last night, after a long day of drinking , starting with mamosa's at 8am, then off to the pool at the flamingo, then of to my friends house...i was the poor bastid that passed out first...and its been a loooooooooong time....but i finally got sharpied! SON OF A.......
  5. LOL...shut up... i know i havent made it out much, but this year sure will be different, we are planning on doing some silly stuff with the mog....iam trying to convince Jules to let me save up and get the matt tracks for it.....it really isnt flying over to well...but she hasnt said no....lol...
  6. lol...right on randog!...that thing is such a blast!. def some south pole runs...ill carry the beer!
  7. workin on it..... iam still a bit nervous....
  8. i took it out to APEX with a couple of friends yesterday, got some snap shots, and took some video with my cell camera. it was a hella good time, the MOG still has the pizzia cutters,(going to order tires this week) so i was slowing down in some of the thicker sand. obviously the rhinos are alot faster, but i dont care about that. this is the ultimate beer carrier for me, Jules and i are going to be doing some silly sh*t to this anyway, its more or less at project for us for the summer. but here are the first pics so far.
  9. ive been called to it twice, but ususally iam excused right away, either for my "belifes" or the fact that i was Military Police, and a prior Federal Police Officer...they see it as being Biased...i dont know about yours though,if its just one day i wouldnt sweat it, go down there, let them interview you, tell them that you belive in the death penalty, ask them if your allowed to throw the switch...yadda yadda yaa
  10. the lug pattern was off a bit so the rhino tires wont work, ordering the right tires tomorrow, already took out the mog to APEX today, we had a blast, but them pizzia cutters gotta go!...i should have bargined a bit better to get some good wheels and tires...lol! that little mog isnt fast by any streatch of the imigianation, but sun as hell!
  11. putting some Rhino tires and wheels on it tomorrow! get rid of them pizzia cutters!
  12. I USED TO SAY " CRASHIN IS LEARNING"...ive learned enough....got a cage now....lol
  13. yup...awesome bike, i hope you get some good rides on it. it served me well!...iam glad i got that mini mog, i was railing all around my neighborhood when i got home...thats going to be a good time! thanks again Brian! right side drive!
  14. http://www.break.com/index/ultimate_stop_m...unk_ownage.html
  15. http://www.break.com/index/human-pole-position.html that is just cool as hell
  16. luckily i have never passed out to where i couldnt feel something touching my face...
  17. well i can see that one gettin deleted soon... in 3 2 1.......
  18. ummm..yeah....iam taking my kilt wearing irish pride a$$ and my beer and going back to my corner...awee sh*t....i dont have my corner anymore! either way...thread hijacked...dam kids! oh yeah...well my dad can beat up your dad.... fuggin stoopid
  19. um..yeah...sure... of course you know what your talking about......
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