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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. iam going to be in barstow on friday night, if ya got room at casa de la woody, ill help out on saturday!
  2. its about my speed and iam ok with it, it will be fun....it will be a fun project either way.
  3. iam . but iam going to races alot more...almost once a week, and this is the ultimate pit bike..need to figure out how to put a 12 pack and clamato dispenser on it...
  4. this cat has partied to much....this actually happened to me once.....
  5. hey craig...jim would be wasting his money...those come in pairs....he only needs one.....
  6. ummm...id try a shower...so not to run off your riding buddies
  7. look what i get on saturday!... within a couple of weeks iam going to "Rat Rod" it. here is the "Theme" that iam going to do it in...but iam going to add some ape hangers and a sissy bar too!
  8. the san diego race was about 2 or 3 months ago, and then there was a race in Budapest. it was pretty wild!
  9. iam no ones beotch..... ill carry my own beer....but ill give ya one...lol
  10. using MS PAINT to draw a motorcycle...this is awesome
  11. my worst job...well one was a job and the other was a duty... i get really skeeved out when i have to touch other peoples food after they are done eating...so doing dishes made me want to vomit! I was a busser and a dish washer at 16 in Yuma Arizona...it was the only way i could pay for gas to get back and forth from home to school....blech! the worst duty....actually 2 of them....while stationed in Bosnia at camp dolba. my captian was a wussy...and made me go into this open field and i had to slowly probe the ground for land mines...just so he could have "peice of mind" that we were ok in that location...well took 2 long hours to go about 10 feet...when i finished probing that area...we got in our Humvees and left..never returning...fauker! the second worst duty......burning sheet in a barrel while in saudi..diesel fuel...poop...fire...NO BUENO...i would have rather done dishes.
  12. ill ususally go watch 13miles, they are a bit hard, but well worth it.
  13. bunch of alkies.....lol...awesome job..i was even in it twice and i only went 3 times...
  14. well i got 3 hoes for christmas one year.....does that count?
  15. LOl..yup always pluggin ARCTIC ICE...lol...gotta...its my paycheck yeah its been a while, and alot of chit is going on in my life right now, nothing i need to get into...just alot of work and military training...were going places...and fast.. well if any of you Roundy round fans out there..(nascar) be watching for the talladega race in two weeks...might have a suprise for ya on the #22 car....heh heh heh... but i do want to assure you all that i have not let any of you down...i still drink like a fish, and still wear my kilt every chance i get.... as a matter of fact iam ordering a new kilt just for the dunes! HOLDS 18 BEERS!!!!
  16. www.arcticice.com you got to spell it right
  17. ummm just for the record.....i didnt scream...that was your motor tached out...um..yeah...HOWEVER...i do think i soiled myself...glad that was the day i wasnt wearing my kilt..... i only made it out 3 or 4 times before i had some major repairs to do on my bike, and i have been working wayyyyyyyyy to much, but my positives are still all my friends on DDR, thanks for an awesome birthday! and hopefully this next season will be better for me!
  18. its been a while since i have actually been on here...been working alot, trying to get ARCTIC ICE going, we got alot of deals pending and some national stuff going on here. hopefully we can seal some deals maybey youll be able to see some stuff coming up on tv and some product placement in some movies, as well as in some concert events...i cant tell to much till the deals are signed. but hopefully in the next 5-6 months we will be on a national basis. so if you get a chance stop by our web site www.arcticice.com . other than that, been working about 80 hours a week. not alot of time for fun, but iam going to cut loose pretty soon with Brett in Havasu. going to go get the boat and jet ski up and running this week so that they are ready to go by then. still trying to sell my bike, and i might sell my truck as well.....time to clean house. well ill be on and off as i can afford the time. Cole :beer_bang:
  19. thanks Jodi, glad you got that pic, thats awesome!
  20. well here are some pics from the track day. it was nice and warm, and it was a good time!
  21. dont be mad.....my midget can beat up your kids!
  22. as steve irwin would say....."Crikie"
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