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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. new funny pics for the day! Hey Cheese...this is for you....
  2. iam all for it, i dont have alot of jumps in , but eventually i would like to get my own set up. i would like to get the Icarus Crossfire, its a 9 cell canopy. here is how i normally jumped! and here is the traffic that i had to tend with...
  3. i have the oakley crowbars, and i love them...pricey but worth it! i wash mine in the sink with soap n water, and let them dry over night good to go!
  4. i fall enough when iam only 3 ft up on a 2 wheeler...i dont need that job..not much job security in that for me...props to you!
  5. i dont see anything different.... did you do something with your hair? just kidding!
  6. ya...iam sure thats how you roll...to the front yard...
  7. her tounge in that pic looks like a penus.... with the make up....or the lights out.... id start out looking like this: BUT! and then....
  8. i would say away from the finger dunes. there is always alot of traffic around that area. but on the other hand that is where all the kids like to play within sight of mom and dad. the crowd that is at dumont is a good crowd, not like at glamis. no stripper poles, no boobs being thrown at ya everytime you turn around..(well that depends on what camp your at too....) the camps are fun and sometimes a bit wild but great people! oh yeah...directions from where?
  9. this guy is really upset! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvQNu7QnQtY
  10. not me...iam not allowed to drunk dial anymore......my wife takes my phone after about 6 or 7 drinks!
  11. no no no Kenny....see we have a slight problem....the thread says "how do you roll out"...see you could post on this thread if you ever went to the dunes.... the title of the thread isnt..."what do you have that you never use" :porn: :lol
  12. i love this video! http://vidsearch.myspace.com/index.cfm?fus...nnelID=66468112
  13. http://www.fox5vegas.com/news/15234740/detail.html
  14. dam where is my edit button...its missing off my keyboard....and wow what a save...
  15. no iam off my leash and running wild!
  16. yes its very addicting...especially when the site goes down.....then iam down...i try to keep my chin up...it dosent really work....untill i saw this.....i have nothing to worry about!
  17. just watchin you wipe your hand with that look on your face was classic!
  18. just need to put armor and guns on it!
  19. NO NO NO...i saw video of myself....man..i gotta quit drinkin....
  20. thats funny...i do the same thing...i was at a party with Brett last night at the Lambo dealership, and people were just walking up to me saying..."hey your the midget stripper birthday guy huh?"...."your the one with the midget stripper!!!!"....."You look familiar....oh wait....your wife was making out with....no wait!...YOU HAD THE MIDGET STRIPPER!!!!" out of nowhere these people were coming up to me....it was great!
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