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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i have a broken camera....3rd one since 2 dune seasons ago...dam sand...i need a new one as well..thats why i got the video camera that has a built in hard drive...no tapes..no disc
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge9autDKtmo...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHHc1tCSwhM...feature=related
  3. C'MONNNNNNN, i was ecxpecting to see a in dash DVD player, and a cappichino machine....PIMP THAT RIDE!....lol..it looks friggin awesome. cant wait to see it in action!
  4. that looks more like a slip n bleed.....iam down...whens summer?
  5. i love all the guns everywhere! that was awesome..the best part is when you picked up the supercharger and you did that lil happy dance to the quad....i think you should have done the "Baywatch, Pam Anderson-Beach Run" inseatd!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-AobDQ6j5A
  6. my RC Cars dont last...my red heeler likes to catch them and then she brings them back to me in several parts.
  7. i sitll have to load them, but i wasnt going to do that till i had some daytinme video as well....lets get that tranny in and get some good video then
  8. i can tell you right now..... a one gallon wiskey bottle and a hot fire...is all you need.
  9. and if you dont have a bed liner... i know someone on here that does
  10. i thought about that....but if they were going to do a self rendering of my frank and beans.....well...never mind...it would easily fit...and still not be seen...
  11. ill post an update, take a look at his myspace URL and you can see the work that he has done. www.myspace.com/wilsontat2
  12. hmmmmmmm...didnt watch it...dont have 9 min
  13. lol....funny...iam not going to set myself up for failure and post a "Topless" pic like Redswr.....lol....not going down that road...
  14. nobody? well iam going to finish up my right arm, my right peck, and my right shoulder blade up to my neck...about 12 hours of work to do...
  15. NICE..mand the BP is paying good these days....you sure you are not a "Coyote" too?....LOL
  16. i have one of my buddies coming into town, and he is my personal tattoo artist, he has been working on my right arm for a while, huge coverup. well he is going to be hitting vegas for about a week, and do some work on myself and my friend Carolyn. he has promised me to give anyone a good deal. Not sure when the date is, but it will be in the next couple of weeks. let me know Cole
  17. looks great....still no dam 2 wheelers.....one day youll come around pete....lol...looks awesome
  18. and you think i have to much time on MY hands....
  19. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=2082935920 car looses all 4 tires....DUHHHH
  20. Yosh, that looks sick!...i laughed my arse off...squished stink bug......id take it as a compliment. it looks great!
  21. after thinking long and hard, i decided to trade my 06YZ450, and GO GREEN, i was told that this was the fastest down hill racer that there was....so hopefully i didnt get ripped off.
  22. i dont know what Deven (VegasHD) could do, but i know he can get you ANY Tires that you want.
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