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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. like i told pete we can ALL thank him for trying to stimulate the economy!...lol
  2. DAMMIT!! she wasnt even close to being on my death pool!!!
  3. i had the same idea with the kick starter and the pull knob, good job, great work!!!
  4. that would be bad a$$! thanks!
  5. i let Woody borrow a set last regatta and i think i got them back...(honestly i cant remember where i put them) but if i did loan them to anyone can you refresh my memory and let me know. or if anyone has a set that they want to sell to me, can you let me know. Cole
  6. this is the 83' that i started on last year, iam hoping that this one will be done before regatta, i have most of the parts already, only need a few things for it.
  7. if you are trying to get some other parts that are out of stock call mike at vintage motorsports, i get about 90% of my stuff through him, great deals and he is really quick about getting me parts. http://www.vintagemotorsports.net/
  8. as of DEC 16 2009 http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/mcy/1508518389.html http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/rvs/1507366871.html i think this is a US90 (prior to being called an ATC, these are pretty rare and can get good money for them in just about any shape. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/mcy/1481091245.html
  9. LOL, i wish that was my T3, thats Tyler from 3wheelerworld, i bought that 70 last year, i am just stock piling parts for it till iam ready to put it all together. my 2 biggest things i have to find is a new or almost new exhaust and the exhaust plate on the back is a little dented up.
  10. well i cant wait to see what you ordered!!!....and you thought you were going to get off easy on this one....
  11. if you need some welding done bring it by the house, we will get it hooked up for ya!
  12. thats bad a$$ thank you! iam offering a complete gasket sets and a stock pistons for a 70 as well as a new in plastic front red fender for the raffle, i have some other stuff as well i just need to get it all together. its from Dave (sadistic pig) and I at ALLFORKED UP (our online buisness) and from Mike at Vintage Motorsports.net . ill drop those off tomorrow night to ya pete.
  13. from Julie, Ava and myself the Ragdoll family wants to wish a Merry Christmas to all our extended Dune family!
  14. its been a year on order, but i finally got some stuff for my 74 ATC 70 to return it back to OEM. i dont have plans on having it done for quite some time, but this will be Ava's forst bike, so i do have some time to build it.
  15. that is soooo awesome! i got my lights and tree up and my shopping done!
  16. well iam ready to come over and have some beers and help out in any way i can....
  17. ahhh i see...ok well if you need your bottom end gone through then let me know...we would have to get parts ordered now.
  18. whats wrong with yours??? could it be gone through?
  19. i actually had mine tore down to bare frame in about 30 min. like i told pete when i was down to bare frame...."sh*t..this is gonna cost me alot of money huh?"
  20. yeah...sorta.. I was asked one day by a shap dressed man when i was about 18 years old... Man: hey you like camping? me: yeah... Man: you like hiking? me: well yeah! (getting more excited) Man: you like to shoot guns? me: OH HELL YEAH!! Man: well if you like to travel then sign here.... thats when i joined the army!....bastards!!! they got me!!!
  21. those are soo cool, i remember when you brought it out to the regatta last year...that thing can take a beating!
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