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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. Pete iam sure that it will work its self out, just post a time and place....BYOBM (bring your own bail money)...and let it go from there..
  2. speak for yourself iam not about to be caught dead rollerskating with you OR holding your hand.............
  3. well i wont be able to make it to the dunes, but iam still going to have a party at mi casa on the 31st, so if anyone is here your invited....plenty of couch, floor spare room or where ever you pass out.
  4. well Jodi...its best not to bite off more than you can chew!
  5. sorry Gerald, i musta skiped over that!! not bad for an old guy!!!! :beer_bang:
  6. ok i just got the word from the wife, i have the clearance from Jules....... NEW YEARS PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No confetti....stacy it will be Monday the 31st , 7pm...ish....the more the merrier... bring wood for the chiminea....(fire pit) its on Kids! we will host...fauk the carpet!
  7. oh jeeeeez, that never gets old....ive had to "Keep" that on my phone like 3 times before it automatically gets deleted....
  8. who were the characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after ? and what movie?
  9. you and Jill got the lowest numbers so far...now thats funny!!!!!!!!! CMON TIFF!! you got kids you should do much better! good job Tim 36!!!!
  10. oh Jason...man i almost called you just to drink a beer with ya! sorry to hear about the troubles..... fuggin craig..."let me get on that..were not busy"
  11. dosent a DDR member own a bar? Scoundrels? I know that my boss wouldnt mind the business at his bar, if you dont mind the remodeling? can cheap drinks? Bogies on Ann and 95N i can get him to run a special for all DDR Members, maybe 2 bucks a beer? and for maybe 5 bucks each i can have him do a buffet for everyone...
  12. iam sure everyone can remember this: http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ well the funniest thing is i got a voicemail from Pete the next day...and i just figured out how to put it in a wave file.... and here is what i got pete_voicemail.wav
  13. what is Donald Duck's middle name? and just wondering: How come they sterilize the needle to preform leathel injection?
  14. i re took it and answered it differently...i feel better about myself now... You could take on 34 five year old kids in a fight.
  15. thats crazy....i see fed ex leaving stuff at my buddies house all the time..
  16. my christmas to everyone.....video style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gp5Vd44AJQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iY4Tom6-wM i want this guy as a neighbor
  17. http://www.glumbert.com/media/highpower/fs screw this job.... pretty neat on the fly bys
  18. saw Iam legend last night!!!!! GREAT MOVIE, and for you batman fans...here is the new one.. http://atasteforthetheatrical.com/deathtrap/default.htm and for those of you that like Marvel Comics and the Iron Man... http://iron-man-trailer.blogspot.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhgzIM-9lfA
  19. http://www.howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com/ how it rated me : You could take on 28 five year old kids in a fight.
  20. cmoooonnnnn mythbusters!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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