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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i know that the wheels have nothing to do with it. prop or jet powered...either way...if it is moving at the EXACT same speed...then it will most likely not move foward, now will it take off. if treadmill speed is 75mph, and the prop/jet speed is 95mph, then it will essentially be going 20mph....not having the speed necessary to "CREATE" lift the plane will not take flight. and this dosent even include the resistance of the wheels/tires on the treadmill, nor does it include the resistance of the wheel bearings and anything else that would create drag on the aircraft. AS MIMINAL as it may be with the resistance it still matters. but we are not including these in this equation. with a take off speed of 70 mph, the treadmill at 70 mph, the plane will not take flight, at a speed of 140mph for take off speed of 70mph and a treadmill at 70mph, there is a possibility of flight.....
  2. only 2 things iam hoping for. a new pair of oakleys...since i lost the arm to my other oakleys... and i want a pair of knock off uggs for the dunes... maybe a new hoodie...thats all i already got my wife one big present, all the other stuff will be small and easy to get for her. i set aside 400.00 for my daughter and her step sister, they will be out here for christmas and new years. we already got them some pretty cool stuff, and since she is grounded from the computer i can easily post what she is getting. got her the new I pod touch (looks like the I phone) and the speakers as well, thats all...
  3. well Deven (vegasHD) and Dan (dnchevyman) and i have been arguing over this over and over....my wife thinks iam nuts but i have my own opinion i will give a breif over view: MATCHING TREDMILL SPEED and matching Prop speed the plane will not take off...the prop only creates the Pull necessary to make a plane go foward, when the plane moves foward enough to create the lift necessary to take flight that is when it will fly... thats my opinion....now ask those two knuckleheads what they think....and your hear all kinds of silly thoughts!
  4. i think he got the point! http://youtube.com/watch?v=NJ8zztibaQ0&feature=related LOL...your fired! http://youtube.com/watch?v=Fb22mvWavsc&feature=related snowball effect i think he was a bit High
  5. i dont thiiiiiiiink sooooooo if you go to ford, even they will tell you that its a modified, The engineers at Ford took the basic 351C block and modified it to power a whole new generation of environmentally-friendly cars and trucks. To start, Ford changed the transmission bell-housing pattern to match that of the larger 429/460 engines. This would allow Ford to continue putting the larger, heavy-duty 460 C6 transmissions with the new 400 engines. Ford also enlarged the main journal diameter from 2.75 inches to 3.0 inches allowing for a greater bearing wear area. The crankshaft stroke was also increased from 3.5 inches to 4.0 inches for a 50 cubic inch increase in engine displacement and greater low-end torque. Finally, the deck height was increased 1.09 inches in order to accommodate the 400s larger stroke. Consequently, the intake manifold had to be widened approximately one inch to accommodate the new deck height. The rest of the engine remained virtually the same. In fact all of the 351C valve train components (except for the pushrods) interchange with 351M/ 400 engines. The 351M/400 cylinder heads will also interchange with the 351C 2brl heads, although the 351M/400 heads have 78.4cc combustions chamber where as the 351C 2V heads had a 76.2cc combustions chamber. All passenger cars and light-duty trucks under 5,500 GVWR were now required to burn unleaded gasoline, to be equipped with EGR valves and catalytic converters, and to meet stricter gas mileage numbers. These new rounds of restrictions along with the discontinuation of the 351C in 1974 lead to the birth of the 351M in full-size Ford passenger cars. Ford decided to discontinue the 390 V8 in the F-100 in 1975 and to discontinue both the 360 and 390 in all light-duty trucks by 1976. Beginning in 1977 Ford decided to offer the newer 351M/400 engines in its place. Again, Ford could have used the smaller 302/351 Windsor engine since it was being offered in the F-100, however, it was decided that since all F-150, F-250, and F-350 trucks were equipped with the heavy duty 390 in the 2wd trucks and the 360 in the 4x4 trucks that the torque laden 351M/400 would make an excellent replacement. The “M”, by the way, does not stand for anything. Ford only used the “M” designation to distinguish it from the 351 W (Windsor) and the now discontinued 351C (Cleveland). The “M” designation has now become know to mean “modified” or “Michigan”, even though the 351M was produced at both the Cleveland foundry and Michigan casting center. the last 2 broncos and my 79 ranger all had 351M motors in them.....i got used to working on those
  6. that first commercial......she's HOT and the second commercial.....id fall for her!
  7. anyone ever seen these robot dogs? i would love to have one of these! or a robot fish? cool car stunts
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3-cTjmWdXU...feature=related
  9. what was the last car that james bond drive in his last movie? What car in 1971 came with a key that featured a spark plug gapper, phillips screwdriver, distributor and spark plug gauge and a 1 ½ inch ruler. Ford's popular 351 engine came in 3 different designations, C, M and W. What did these letters stand for?
  10. never mind...i was wrong.... 1959 for the el camino
  11. iam actually going to disagree...but iam going to look again...
  12. what does the BMW Emblem represent? what was the last car that james bond drive in his last movie? What car in 1971 came with a key that featured a spark plug gapper, phillips screwdriver, distributor and spark plug gauge and a 1 ½ inch ruler. Ford's popular 351 engine came in 3 different designations, C, M and W. What did these letters stand for?
  13. wow that was a bit more indepth than i was looking for...but yes you are right El Camino 1956
  14. What is the meaning of the Volvo emblem?
  15. 1901 The first Grand Prix race was won with an average speed of ??????
  16. well from what i can remember, for mechanical 4x4, it was Spyker that made it in 1902 or so. but for electricial 4x4 hubs was in the 1900-1901 somewhere in there, and that was made by Porsche in 1911 is when the first 4x4 was made in the US.. i remember that it is a compay that started as "FWD", i cant remember what the actual name is, but it eventually became Osh Kosh
  17. he would have been on the ground and hog tied,,,i wouldnt take any chances
  18. just kidding.....been looking for an excuse to use that smiley... post pics of your datsun
  19. pranks are the best....and this is goooooooood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhPM2p7HqeI...l_box_prank.htm and well...revenge is sweet! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaI-0e-qmgc...feature=related


    i was SURE you were notified be...well at least 100 or so people...so i wasnt going to bother you....but i was going to put a call in to cheese....lol...
  21. i honestly could have went the rest of my life without that visual
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