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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. iam not worried about it. the whole reason i post this stuff is because i find it humourous, and a smile a day cant kill anyone.
  2. you should be flattered... you never heard of this guy?
  3. this sounds like a DDR theme song NWS...so dont have kiddies around...please!!! clean version
  4. found his youtube page for ya cheese http://www.youtube.com/user/richardcheese
  5. that girl dosent need steps...have you seen how tall she is????? she needs a 6 inch lift FIRST!!! Nice truck Kayla....besides she said she liked my truck a long time ago.... :beer_bang:
  6. thats awesome!!! 2 questions..... 1. how long to make that? 2. how long are you gonna be on the couch?
  7. :jester2: i have no idea, but dont bust on Bruce Lee...he may be dead but he will still kick your arse!
  8. and thats probably why i havent been invited over.....
  9. http://www.illy.com/wps/wcm/connect/US/ill...h-button-house/ http://www.architectureandhygiene.com/main.html (video) http://www.architectureandhygiene.com/PBHouse/PBH_main.html only 99 thousand....i only have a problem with the toilet....:beer_bang:
  10. :jester2: http://www.richardcheese.com/rchome.html i usualy listen to this while i ride!
  11. the mouse creeps me out...he looks like a "Bum" and i dam sure dont want a rodent cooking my pizzia...ewwwww
  12. yup as usual again... http://www.richardcheese.com/ http://www.richardcheese.com/rchome.html iam going to see his concert on new years with my wife and my kid!
  13. NICE...i got pinned.... see kids, you annoy someone long enough youll either get some respect, or they will cave in and give you something just so youll shut up.......:beer_bang: thanks pete! you da best!
  14. awesome!...save me the big peices!... Campbells soup........mmmmmm mmmmm gooooood
  15. i have always tipped, and quite well...even more so than others. but when i was up in wisconson a few months ago, i was in the NCO Club on base have some beers and Red Bulls and Vodka's. well iam STILL at the bar, and this stupid Wisconsonite actually started to complain that i havent tipped her yet..SHE ACTUALLY SAID THAT!...i looked at her and said....."does it look like iam going to leave yet? i just ordered 2 double R/B Vodkas!?!?!?!?" iam not going anywhere yet...well anyway i kept on drinking...another 5 or more drinks...cant really remember...and went back to settle up my tab...paid the tab and left her 5 bucks....she gave me a funny look, and i said " not a bad tip for a 200.00 dollar tab huh?"..."just imiganie that it would have been 10 times that had you been nice" i dont mind tipping, just do your job and dont EXPECT it. i tip for their service, not their product, ill buy their product. i have actually tipped 50.00 bucks to a Chef before over at Roys Steakhouse, and the same to the waiter....great service, great food!
  16. your always logging on my laptop...iam going to get you good next time!
  17. http://www.nbc10.com/irresistible/14724764/detail.html
  18. i like fritos....and dogs ....
  19. cmonnnnnn gerald....take a wiff...ya know ya wanna
  20. because you have a commadore 64
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