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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. :dance: thats not fair...you cheated!
  2. hmmmm funny my paper didnt come with the yellow squiggle.....because i would have never found it with out your help.....:dance:
  3. only flat biller i know just drinks red beer....and rolls quads off of razorbacks...(self inflicting wound) and lets strangers puke in his MoHo...
  4. i guess you have to cable lock your season pass too!!!!! :dance: well if you have to buy another one, you can have my weekend pass to help cover some of the cost..
  5. this is what it will look like.....in 10 days or less
  6. i was bored to death at home all weekend, i wish i was there. i did get to go hang with Jeff Chapman and Ryan and Powerhouse over at Ryans house for some awesome BBQ and some red Beer. so i did get to get a little partying done. slept till about 1:30 today. that was nice, havent done that for about 10 years now.
  7. that sucks, iam sorry to hear that....hope you guys get it back soon
  8. yeah there is a few boxes of christmas decorations in my garage, i dont do anything on the outside of the house, only the inside...and i leave that to my wife.... my heart goes out to ya ash
  9. http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=9592608286 well i got pete, myself, sparta and badger.....
  10. my other dogs names are (my red Heeler) Ducati, and my blue heeler (before he passed) his name was Yamaha. and when i was stationed in Georgia, my 2 blue heelers were named Smith and Wesson.
  11. well after 24 hours....and a sober body....i took another good wiff of Renthal's paws.....Yup...still smell like Frito's! i dont get it...
  12. they cant test mental through hair testing.....
  13. ohhh gawd..iam soooooo full iam sick!!! already took a nap gonna have some red beer in a bit!
  14. no but in a few minutes my turkey will be done...but been drinking mamosa's since 9am....
  15. my guess is that you are right....but i smelled Ren's paws when he was in my lap and had a sudden urge for corn chips....and then i smelled his paws and they smell like corn chips..... i dunno
  16. dogs paws smell like corn chips???
  17. thats pretty cool....3 years before i was born...but i would have loved to have seen it then..especially the toys. i remember a toy like this back when i was a kid..
  18. lol...no i didnt...email that to me cnj7673@hotmail.com my phone wouldnt let me play that...so send me the mp3 please!
  19. are we sure thats Bob??? we might need a police line up.
  20. found this on another forum that i was on..... Champion's claim that their wheels are DOT legal is false. This is just a rumor that got started somewhere (Pirate forum?). Call Champion and pin them down on it like I did, they are not legal for on road use in any state that requires wheels to be DOT approved, which is pretty much all states. At least this was the case 6 months ago. I've owned Champion bead locks though, and never had a problem with the legality issue. Before I bought my Champion bead lockes I called the state superintendant of the Highway Patrol, who manages the state safety inspection dept. I asked him if "bead locks" were legal in UT, and his reply was "what is a bead lock?" I just said "never mind", told him I had changed my mind, and hung up. So in other words you can get by with bead locks because the people inforcing the law don't know what the law is, at least hear in UT anyway. I watched one of the early style MTB (?) bead lock rims come apart at highway speed one time when following a Jeep back to town on the highway south of Moab one day. NOT a pretty sight; he lost control and ended up going into the barrow pit and through the barb wire fence while trying desparately not to roll his Jeep. He hadn't noticed that some of the bolts had come loose, which increased the forces applied to the remaining bolts, which then sheared off at highway speed. Bead lock wheels are not legal because the companies making them haven't gone to the effort (and expense) to get them DOT approved. Don't expect them to be DOT approved any time soon either. Think about it, a regular wheel is pretty much idiot proof. Any kid working for minimum wage can get the tire on the rim correctly, and all he has to do is inflate it until the bead pops on, and the tire is good to go. A bead lock rim takes a modicum of skill to mount correctly, and safely. The idiot proof factor that bead locks lack will make it tough to get DOT approval. In regards to the street locks, does anyone know how they are fastened to the outside of the wheel? If they are welded or securely bolted in place they may very well serve a purpose. ------------------------------------------------------------------- no what i was told from a 4wd shop is that if a bead lock wheel was to blow out, it will not allow the tire to seperate from the wheel the way a conventional wheel and tire would, thus making it impossible to control. when blowing a tire on a conventional wheel all you have to do is slow down, and not hit the brakes. with a beadlocks the tire will not seperate and making it harder if not impossible to control......thats what i was told
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