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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... badger badger badger badger
  2. well see....i was on percocet last night so my spelling was off...but i can spell badger badger badger....mushroom mushrooom
  3. since no one has been able to find my missing oakley arm....iam going to try to appeal to their humor and get a replacement arm. here is what i e mailed them. Dear Oakley, I have been a huge fan of your glasses for many many years, starting with my first pair back in high school..a pair of Frog Skins, then eyeshades and Razorblades and so on and so on. I wore them in the Desert overseas while in Saudi, and Somalia. I continue to wear them, averaging about 2 pair a year. its hard to find all black glasses that are within regulations for the military. But Oakley has prevailed. I would like to thank you for such an awesome product. Recently while out with my friends in Dumont Sand dunes, i seem to have taken a "Digger", attempting to beat up the sand dunes with my face. I can tell you this....not my wisest of decisions or actions. Well during my Lawn Dart incident I seemed to have lost one of the arms of my recently purchased "Minute" glasses. It was the right side of my glasses, not only was it pretty apparent it was the right side of my glasses, it was also the right side of my face that was able to absorb the damage while attempting to abuse the sand dunes with my face. I would like to know what it is that i can do to replace the one arm. Dont worry about the damage to my face, I seem to have healed rather well, it has not effected my looks to much. My wife dose not think i can get any uglier. she says that the glasses help ease the pain. Well needless to say i do look rather stupid walking around with out a sunglass arm, and i look even dumber with a popsicle stick taped to my glasses as well....I had even tried to color it black with a wood colored "O" on it as well.....it didnt fool anyone...and made me look dumber. so if there is anything that your company could do to help resolve this situation I would greatly appreciate it! thanks again!
  4. there was actually a service bullentin out on it. but since i have it torn down that far iam going to clean the carb as well, ill put it all back together tomorrow and see how it runs..if that dosent fix it ill beat my self stooopid
  5. ok....you got to watch this....its stupid...but it takes a while for something "Special" to happen...iam not going to tell you what it is or how long it will be...but it is well worth it!!!! http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ ok iam in just one of those moods...... i think its the percocet...... http://members.visi.net/~mtoscano/cr...whiteblack.swf for you "Hoff" fans http://www.youthofbritain.com/chicks/ for those moment you want to just scream...send this to someone.... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/foxes
  6. so let me get this straight... 12 girls + 4guys - 4 girls= 1 on each arm...still sounds like you were in the positive on that one!
  7. lucky dude if you ask me...
  8. apparently it is a common thing for that to happen. when the revs are up and then you let off it actually loops the chain and retards it.
  9. well i pulled my YZ apart tonight and went for the first thing that i thought it might be...and my hunch was right. i slipped a tooth on my cam gear. so tomorrow ill loosen it up and rotate it foward and get it all done.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^what he said....^^^^^^^^ we had them at our ATV Tour place, and a Uni filter, and a Weisco top end is the way to go. if at some point you need more power, i would suggest a different clutch spring and a pipe. it really wakes it up.
  11. thank you all. and pray for my brother and sisters in arms great grandfather WWI grandfather WWII father Korea, Vietnam (4 times) myself, Desert Storm/Shield, Somalia, Bosnia-Kosovo...still wanting to go to Iraq/Afganastan thanks to all who serve and served!
  12. Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. Q. What's a mixed feeling? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q. What's the height of conceit? A. Having an ###### and calling out your own name. Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick. Q.Why is divorce so expensive? A. Because it's worth it. Q. What is a Yankee? A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal. Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common? A. Their balls are just for decoration. Q.What is the difference between "ooooooh"and "aaaaaaah"? A. About three inches. Q. Why do Gay men wear ribbed condoms? A. For traction in the mud. Q: What's the difference between purple and pink? A. The grip. Q. How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony? A. It's not hard. Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly? A: Kick his sister in the jaw. Q: What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? A: 45 pounds. Q: What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? A: 45 minutes. Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact? A: Breasts don't have eyes. Q: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love? A. The swallow. Q: What is the difference between medium and rare? A: Six inches is medium, eight inches is rare. Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning? A. They don't have balls to scratch.
  13. i remember you drinking alot of red beer...besides iam not the one dresses like Justin Timberlake
  14. Brett and i are drinking red beer and all dressed up
  15. why is anna wearing pants?
  16. anyone dressing up tonight? my wife and i are...she is going as ...ummmm....kinda a slutty "Dorthy" Wizard of Oz, and iam going as Raoul Duke from fear and loathing. ill post pics as soon as were ready to leave.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvEQrsZwaZE its pretty cool that they cover that whole area!
  18. i guess its more of common knowledge, growin up around glamis and buttercup, thats how i had seen it done, and when i came out to dumont thats how i have seen most people do it as well. iam not saying that it is law, but just have some sence of direction, and some common courtsey. look I jump the hell out of my bike, and i even wheelie up comp, and i crash too.....I have never taken anyone out, and any damage that i do to myself is more or less a self inflicted wound, iam not going to walk around in bubblewrap my whole life. and when you sit around the camp fire and talk about "Good times" some ...no wait....all of us have done some stupid stuff. good, bad, right or wrong. iam just learning a bit later than others. my crash on craigs quad was stupid, i still cant walk right. and it cost me alot of money that i didnt really have. it almost cost a great friendship as well....so with that iam learning more and more. Its time for a rhino / sand sprite and relax and just play around. i dont want to be any more responsable for someone getting hurt because of something stupid, accidents will happen...and they usually happen to me..so with that Iam done with my rant.
  19. i made my mistakes and learned from them. and if iam doing something stoopid...then iam only taking myself out of the gene pool.
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