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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. ok...i lost an arm to my oakleys, if some one finds them let me know as i was cleaning out my truck i found a black tool box, a blue CD Case, and a magazine for a CD Changer. i know that they are not mine, so call me if they are yours, or if you know who they belong to, i would like to get them back to their rightfull owner. Cole 702-372-9631
  2. we had 23 of them at our shop when i did atv tours out here in vegas, they do take a beating, bars bend easy. and in the summer since it is an air cooled 2 stroke, they can tend to over heat and blow the motors. all you have to do is get the right air filter, clean it all the time, and run it a bit rich and carry extra plugs. up grades for the TB 250 are pretty simple, new clutch spring, pipe. you can get the whole package for about 500.00 and it really wakes up the 250. also, these pigs are heavy as hell! its dam near a 2 man lift to get it in and out of a truck.
  3. Rodney says: cant we all just get along?
  4. 1. 2. wind sucks 3. Mary and Brice are great camp hosts!...Mary is still nuttier than a box of squirrel turds tho... 4. iam not as young as i think iam....and i rode fairly conservative....only 1 crash 5. according to OGP the odds are stacked against me and everyone like to take bets on me crashin and breakin stuff 6. there was a LTR that beat the pants off of me on Banshee hill...good job! 7. in Brices camp there was a dog the size of a horse! 8. Met Buggychick and BudlightBob..good peeps to bad about the buggy! 9. met BarefootBob..rode with him as well..... a. he is a nutty fauker too! b. he can drive the hell outta his rail c. found religion because of Bob. d. Didnt know a LT can do a nose wheelie!?!?!?!? 10. lots of video, not alot of pics 11. Jim (sand snake) can table top his rail...and change the tire...and break frames...all in a single bound! 12. it was good to see everyone!.... ....thats all i can say!
  5. good times! a bit on the windy side...cant wait to get a hauler to get out of all the nasty wind. alot of peeps at south pole. ill post my observations later!
  6. :assrock: well if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black
  7. iam considering trading in my current household unit for that one..... :assrock: hope Jules dosent read that.... :smoker: Sophie is HOT and she can dance! :assrock:
  8. been called alot of things...and i guess misfit is one of them...ill be around this weekend....
  9. for those of you who have short term memory.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZXGdg23Qdk
  10. need to find this as a flag!
  11. i could probably haul it for ya..iam leaving on friday afternoon..packin the bike..the wife..the tent....iam all about Medium Pimpin
  12. good thinking about the alarm! to bad you didnt catch those bastids!!!!
  13. that suck Tim. well time to go get some "Tonks" and get your stuff back. do you know a Pete Infante by chance? he is in my drill sgt unit, he is actually out of Tucson.
  14. two to the chest and one to the head
  15. here ya go pete.... :afro: sorry your tripple axle is now a dual axle due toyour donks... :angry2:
  16. sorry tim i couldnt resist LMAO..you be sand donkin now tim
  17. iam going to photoshop your rail on 30s :afro: :fro_smokin:
  18. yup das right....i jus dont get it foo
  19. :afro: i just dont get it....i can totally understand lifting a truck, off roading, rock crawling, towing..i can even accept someone lowering a truck....to me its usless, but i see that people have a lifestyle...but this has me WTF!?!?!?!?! 30 inch wheels? 28 inch wheels?
  20. funny you should say that.... when i was living in Germany, they (german police) would walk through the airport carrying MP5s. and i rememer they didnt take any crap either..i remember them giving a couple of beat downs to not only men, but women as well....hey ash..have you ever noticed that only the USA has Police Brutality laws???...lol...
  21. i dont think it matters what it is...i bet i would crash it!!!!
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