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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. paris to dakar crashes and highlights other crashes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbdWV6Oz38g...ted&search=
  2. ...no cant says that i have...on several arrests that i have made in the past, people have tried to get out of them and end up with their one hand in front of their crotch and one hand behind their butt....i have never seen them end up around their neck. and iam trying to fathom how to do that.... the only thing that i could remotly think of is that she tried to get out of them like a stright jacket and got herself in a rear naked choke...but even that would dam near be impossible...(with out being gross...) i would actually like to see those photos..
  3. this is what i found next word: criminal
  4. its in "Throttle Junkies" i have the DVD. its pretty good!
  5. here is what my truck looks like:
  6. sorry harley, ill actually be racing the searchlight GP that weekend.
  7. NICE...you vegas style and I need to all hook up for a ride together wearing our masks!
  8. my camp is pretty mobile...its a tent...so where ever you are..i can intrude...
  9. ill be there late in the afternoon of the 28, and ill be there till sunday morn..me and my tent... :afro:
  10. well i figured that i would put it in the rhino section
  11. this is one way to wash your farm equipment and if you ever wondered what your rhino looks like underneath how to ruin your rhino
  12. i want to see a utility quad do a flip
  13. i do have some more video, if you want it let me know, ill throw it on a disc for ya!
  14. some more super moto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lQSt3EtR3Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04OCSAp8bI just an awesome video i found...
  15. didnt have a chance to watch it, but that sucks for chuck
  16. and some more farm equipment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2irNs-T48s
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocxIO26Fy30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocxIO26Fy30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2irNs-T48s
  18. i worked with a guy that was always setting himself up for failure...he used to always leave his car unlocked (subi wagon) so one day i went and got 60 cubic feet of packing peanuts. I then opened it up and ended putting all 60 cubic feet of the packing peanuts into his subi wagon. we took photos of it but he wont give them to me, he know that they will be all over the internet. it took about 3 weeks to get them all out. and every now and then, when he turns on his AC or Heat, a packing peanut will fly out of the vent...and when it does, i usually get a call about it.
  19. a couple of back flips, super moto dirt bikes and quads...and even some farm equipment enjoy kids!...iam loving this new camera! :eatdrink021: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_AtyEKhMEU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLXIZkmDmJ8...ser&search= iam uploading some quad and rhino stuff now...stay tuned
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