hmm what went wrong?? either:
A. Gravity
B. Minor Explosion
C. Dons Fat Arse was taking it for a spin...(sorry Don, couldnt resist)
D. I took it for a spin
i knew i was going to get thrown in here some where.....
Learn Chinese in 5 minutes (You MUST read them aloud)
That's not right
Sum Ting Wong
Are you harboring a fugitive?
Hu Yu Hai Ding
See me ASAP
Kum Hia Nao
Stupid Man
Dum Fuk
Small Horse
Tai Ni Po Ni
Did you go to the beach?
Wai Yu So Tan
I bumped into a coffee table
Ai Bang Mai Fu Kin Ni
I think you need a face lift
Chin Tu Fat
It's very dark in here
Wai So Dim
I thought you were on a diet
Wai Yu Mun Ching
This is a tow away zone
No Pah King
Our meeting is scheduled for next week
Wai Yu Kum Nao
Staying out of sight
Lei Ying Lo
He's cleaning his automobile
Wa Shing Ka
Your body odor is offensive
Yu Stin Ki Pu
Fa Kin Su Pa
this reminds me of Mystry Science theatre 3000... love that show
the luckiest people on earth!!!!!!!!!!!! these are sooooo close
women drivers top 10
a kawasaki commercial
Boss Hoss anyone?