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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. if you havent seen it yet...you need to. i remember waking up extra early on sat morning to watch the cartoon, this was an awesome movie. the special effects were good as hell. so when you get the time go see it.!!!!
  2. oooooooooooooooooooooooo so tempting...but i have to wait till my leg heals better!!!!!!!! but ohhhhh so tempting!
  3. i was down in the area of GV, going to REI and got a new watch, i tried to get pete to have lunch with me, but apparently i was to late. so i went to lunch over at Al's Garage and then headed over to say hi to pete. well Pete didnt know that i had my 15 year old daughter with me, so i snuck into his shop and had my daughter walk into Petes bay and suprise him. My daughter walked up to pete (he had a puzzled look on his face) and then my daughter belts out "MUTHA BITCHEZZZZZ"... Pete had a nano second look of...WTF? and then it dawned on him who it was...we all got a good laugh...it was just funny. good times thanks for the laugh Pete.
  4. just kidding.....thats pretty funny....see i thought that it came from the movie "Bad Boys" there is a part in the movie that some Haji yells "FREEZE MUTHA BITCHEZZZ", and thats where i thought it came from.
  5. i have been on here and while and i still dont know the history....so Tim if you dont mind....do tell
  6. i can see a DDR Video as this song plays.....hmmmmmm got to get some footage together....
  7. its funny that Ken just called me and realized what the first pic was at the top..... Ken, quit drinking so much....
  8. if you want to see more photos, take a look here http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...iendID=74786418
  9. i know that there is a pic of Ed with some sausage on his face, and a pic of DnChevyman, at petes house, but there really isnt any of us passed out...i think were all to afraid of what our "Friends" will do......i know iam not gonna pass out...
  10. thankfully there isnt any of me passed out...only with some dam blow up sheep....oops....oh well..
  11. lol...just about looks like her dosent it???
  12. oh yeah cant forget these guys old school DDR Helmet old a$$ MP3 Player you would think DDR Members have been here with all the old taps
  13. enjoy...89 degrees and not a drop of rain!...did i mention that 117degrees sucks! did i mention that i had the biggest penus? julie found a friend all kinds of wild life up there...they dont move alot...or fast either ROOOOK ITS GODZIRRA!!!! Jelly fish make horrible Peanut Butter and Jelly fish sammiches my bugle skills suck...i did buy it though...cant wait till our DDR Morning trip Julie in an antique store is rather a costly manuever for me alot of frggin stairs in seattle did i mention the stairs? me gettin a new tattoo (its not finished, there was alot of coverup to do) my pretty girl on a seattle sunset. our bartender at the Lava Lounge...he was awesome, comped out 60 bucks in shots for Jules and I street performers..."hey look at me......iam an attention whore"
  14. what in the hell are you doing looking on myspace anyway???
  15. so much for her prince charming coming to put on a glass slipper....
  16. you have to have a lifted Ford Ranger, to park under it..... that truck puts the UGGG in Ugly i would buy it if it was 12 inches taller and Lambo doors!!!
  17. hmmmm mary naked....again????? imagine that...good job mary, cant wait for our party....lol..you got your hands full Brice...
  18. well when she gets older, and starts having sex, it will be easier to get her ankles behind her ears.....just pick them up off the floor
  19. well i was there in spirit...got lots of texts from Craig, Jules, Pete and OGP...i missed out.... and Jules, next time your on fire.....STOP DROP AND ROLL....Walk it off hun.... happy hangover Pete!...ol bastid
  20. happy birthday brother Pete, wish i could be there, but iam steadly defending the USA from FT. Lewis against all sober people, both Foreign and Domestic! happy 30th
  21. hereeeeeeeeeeeee we go agin with the invisarail ..... Kenny... POOP OR GET OFF THE POT!
  22. i gotta have that shirt!!!!!!!!
  23. here are 2 more from this morning...yeah were bored, and SGT Brownlow is retarted
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