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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. Yoshi, my biggest question is, using a Yamaha R1 motor, do you have the set up for that? there are reasons i would like to use the R1 motor. how adaptable do you think it would be instead of the busa motor?
  2. so far i really like that sinister car, and i do want to take a look at them a bit more, but so far i really like the design and the style the best, its not something you see all that often, all the other busa cars pretty much look alike
  3. its still funny no matter how many times i watch it
  4. well 2 more days and ill hear what is going on...ill keep ya all posted
  6. yeah that is addictive
  7. "there is only 2 things iam good at.... fighting and chewing bubble gum....and iam all out of bubble gum!" Roudy roddy piper
  8. so hopefully this will make you smile
  9. made it level 5 in about 20 minutes, the only reason i was able to do it, is because myself and VegasHD used to be hooked on a trials game http://www.miniclip.com/games/trial-bike-pro/en/ easy peasy
  10. you cant wil for losing with these people. and heaven forbid, if you try to approach one of them to see what they really know, they get very defensive, I remeber once out at Glamis, i actually asked one of them if they would like to come visit our camp and ask all the questions they want about what we do and what we want. out of 10 of them, only 1 decided to come take a look, they came over and hung out for about 5 hours, asked us a million questions, just like we asked him. eventually we took him for a ride and he had a grin from ear to ear, some can be converted some cant. and if you do come across some that are hostile, kill them with kindness, it only makes us look better.......although the sootin the hippies would have been better to see.. damed if you do damed if you dont...
  11. no we dont have that ban, the lovely united social republic of Kalifornia, has made it actually easier for me to get these weapons. i can buy them cheaper from california, because my friends out there cant own them! Thanks California!
  12. HAAAAAAAAAA sootin the hippie tree huggers!
  13. yup, iam sure were gonna modify it a bit, it still needs to be streetable, and we might change a few things, but that is the general idea. at first i was going to replace the entire front bumper with the pre runner bumper. but i saw this one, and i really like it. as well as i want it to be functional..if i hit something, i want to go over it.
  14. not sure how Jon is going to build it, but he is the fabricator, iam just supplying the mulah
  15. yeah i cant wait, and i do think that ill need that many lights....fuggin tourist drivers.....lol
  16. stop don, your sucking the intelligence from my head from where you are.....lol....
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