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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. do it dont be a puzzzzy besides your gonna go ride with that chick with the nice butt ....oops was that out loud?...dam inside voice!!!
  2. NICE! you catz are pretty dam quick with the updates! well as it stands right now, I will still get transfered into the 94th HHC from my unit now. that will happen on the 4th of May. as far as deployment....not for a while, doc said as of today, its still broke, and wont be 100% till september. IF i do deploy, for mobilazation, i will go to FT Bliss TX, and go through their med screening and most likley get kicked back for being all busted up. thats all for now....going out for a beer! Later!
  3. what about me??? we are the "Busted Leg Crew" about time those got posted....now you only broke the same bone i did, and only in one place, you got screws and hardware, i broke mine in 2 places and i can do the jig in a kilt...wtf mang???
  4. there is no friggin way you would catch me on one of those boats in the dead of winter. first off.....i hate being cold second.....i hate being wet third.........i REALLY hate being COLD and WET! fourth and most importantly......I swim like a ROCK...not far...just DEEP.. i dont care how much they pay, you couldnt even get my desert arse to alaska. Ill just do what i do best....watch TV
  5. well so long as i get internet in Haji land, ill be on here everychance that i get, youll think i never left...lol
  6. you know Randy, that looks like an ol skool Beiffe helmet that your wearing...is that what that was?
  7. Yup your right. i had figured that if i make only 1 dollar per car that i park at the Hilton, i would only need to park 27,500 cars.....guess now i need to figure out how many days in Haji land i need to be there to get my buggy....lol
  8. well thanks guys, you all are to much, like i said, when i get more information ill post it, and then we will set up a gathering of some sort. btw.....i want Wingnuts collection of magazines....
  11. i guess that iam gonna have to wait to get me a rail now.....
  12. i cant thank you all for ALL of your support, i know that there are alot of people out there that are against the war, and some against the prez (not pete, cause he would be an awesome prez). but i really thank all of you for YOUR support. I can only think of a few things that I would like IF i do have to go over to the big sand box. New DDR Hat a couple of DDR Shirts alot of DDR stickers....(cause I wanna put them everywhere) any used or un watched Sand Dune/FMX/Quad DVDs a autographed picture of Wingnut , Dunefreak , Tres Hermanos an 8x10 picture of GWH in a dress.... :GWH: and most of all.....a free beer before i go...gonna have to get sh*t faced for this one. :dance: other than that...all of you and from me to you
  13. Craig as the host of "Who wants to be a poopd*ck?"
  14. NICE! well, if iam in Kuwait, i should be able to log on to DDR, and Iam taking my lap top and iam getting a new camera, so i post up Pics of whats going on there...ill start my own site there.....LOL www.IDR.com Iraqi Dune Riders.com
  15. well wait till I hear from the 94th HHC, that will give me a better understanding of what I have to do and when....but iam all about a party! :jester:
  16. i guess this means that i wont be going to Coral Pink on the 4th of July....LOL
  17. well so much for parking cars and buying a buggy huh?
  18. Well about 5 minutes ago I got a phone call from my unit commander. I have just been notified that I have been mobolized for a tour in Iraq. Apparently Iam going to have to leave for mobalization to FT Bliss Texas on May 4th. there are a few things that iam going to have to do before I leave. I could be gone for up to a year....guess thats what I get for Re enlisting . still not sure what they will do when they find out that my leg is broken. but ill cross that bridge when i get there. Iam waiting for another phone call from the 94th HHC (Headquarters Company) within the next 72 hours, to give me the final word on what is going on. They may NOT take me just because of my leg. but i wont know till I get to that point. My wife is a wreck, my paprents dont know yet, my friends (all of you) are the ones that know now. Ill leave information as I get it. GO ARMY Cole
  19. yeah i watch the show, i did see the guy fall off the boat, lucky that they got him
  20. i appreciate all the info, especially from you pete. I would rather buy used if I can, like i said i only want to spend 20K, its going tobe tuff to find that, as far as that purple one that runs on meth....lol..i need that like i need a sphinctor on my forehead....lol..good lookin out tho randy.
  21. yeah Co- Drivers car is bad a$$!
  22. park alot of friggin cars to buy a mini rail, and the wifeys farm equipment....
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