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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. vegashd and dnchevyman might be
  2. that was a King sand car. that full body kit is an extra 1K, well worth it i would think. 27,500 for a turn key car... about 7k more than I want to spend, but might just be worth it.
  3. GWH in a dress with white riding boots and helmet...HAWT
  4. NICE, iam glad to see you got my back! good looking out! thanks Pete, i already looked up SSC, so ill look up the other ones today and start doing my homework. thanks again
  5. or just keep the wheels and add a new guage :angry2:
  6. i agree with everyone else, go with the Weld drag lites or something old school like the thrust wheels.
  7. i bet crazymexeddie could use them......on something...
  8. well it has finally come....time to make a decision, iam not going to sell my bike, ill just keep it. no one will give me what i want for it anyway.... so, after thinking about it....not gonna get a sand sprite either. I have decided on a Busa Rail....i cant seem to chike down the price of a funco, or a 3d or anything that bad a$$ i still plan on getting the lil lady her farm equipment, but iam going to bite the bullet and get me a busa rail... so any suggestions on where i should look and what i should look for? and no this isnt going to be a "INVISARAIL".....i will get one, maybe as soon as the end of May. what does anyone think of the 3 seater that is posted here? any advantages of the 2 seater compared to the 4 seater? if i do 4 seater should i get one with a turbo? well that should be enough for now, i know you all have good info so let it fly. thanks in advance!!! NACHOOOOOOOOOO Cole
  9. i love this pic...look at craig..... "iam about to do whaaaa?" :angry2:
  10. aweeeeeeeeee she look soooo purty! hope you had a good time Kayla! congrats on graduating soon! welcome to the grown up world!
  11. no no nooooo this guy rocks....the only way i could do something like this guy, would be if god himself miracled me to.
  12. i even wore drawers under my kilt....but thanks to anna and someone else. i got depants, and it was all over at that point....oh well...
  13. thats pretty poopd*ck! they should be flogged! has anyone said anything to them? are you sure it was the owner or just a patron?
  14. NICE!, i dont mind the beer, but did you have to make me fat? i thought that we were boys Randy
  15. what the hell? ok and you allo think that I have to much time on my hands.
  16. my observations: Congrats Craig and Tiff, beautiful wedding and most of all a beautiful bride Kilts are not "Man Skirts" Open bars dont last to long due to having DDR Members as your Friends i can still dance even with a broken leg my wife leaves me in the hotel room passed out for a 2 dollar burger at 2 am Pete is human, and he can puke...lol...."Imma throw up" stacey got cake in her face...nice aim on my part. Anna got a hand full of nuts wearing a kilt around all of you peeps is dangerous ugg hangovers
  17. :worthless_without_pics: just kidding, i feel your pain. hope you get better soon, belive me i know how it sucks! we need our own "Broken Bone" Signature
  18. no iam a reserve Drill Sgt, so i am non deployable. If I do mobolize Ill go teach basic training, or go to Georgia and test the "Future weapons"
  19. ok Pete, i do understand. Iam sure that if i read everysingle post I probably would have caught all of that. I just dont want to see all of our "Dumont Money" go to some senator or congress man to pad their pocket. thats all that iam saying, no one has hear me once complain about the price going up, iam still going to buy a season pass no matter what, last year i didnt, and i spent over 200.00 going to dumont on day passes....when I should have just spent the 60.00, oh well, I dont care. I just want to ride. no matter to me what they charge, iam riding....
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