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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I finally uploaded the rest of the photos from last weekend. They are HERE Some samples: Me Jumping Why Not,,,, Get it!! Triple! Hey Pete!
  2. OH, thanks for reminding me DDBRATT! Here are the wedding pictures: CLICK ME!
  3. Thanks Jack, Pete! Every time I look at what they accomplished, I'm impressed. Then add in the location... and,, they want to top this next year.
  4. Outstanding job Fox family and friends who helped make the dune haunt! I was impressed last year and you guys surpassed that immensely. I did take some night photos in and around the haunt and will show them as soon as I can finish editing them. I have over 1400 photos from last weekend to go through ( Ugh )..
  5. I'll be there. Looking like Wed through Tues. Looking forward to this trip. Been away too long.
  6. Just a bump and reminder that this is still open. Thank you to those who have emailed me and posted here.
  7. That looks like a fun car for what you have into it.
  8. I gotta say I really enjoyied the dolphin part the most. That just looked like amazing fun. Glad you guys had a good time.
  9. If I did, could you tell me the picture number?? And of course email me your Name, dogs name, address, Thanks.
  10. Yes, thanks folks, keep them coming. Thanks Terry, she contacted me. Still need to find out who was in the second photo I posted.
  11. I don't think it's a secret that I do some stuff for Sand Sports magazine. They are going to do a story on pets at the dunes. I'm always trying to get more Dumont stuff in there so I need your help. Do you have a picture of your pet and your sand toy together? Or, with a dune background? Or around camp obviously at the dunes? Want their picture in the magazine? Post them up here! Also, send me a copy with your name, pets name, and address if you want a copy of the issue mailed to you. Send to fe135@yahoo.com I also need help locating these folks. If you know who they are, give them my email or direct them here. These were taken at the last poker run. I'm pretty sure this woman is Karen Fisher but that's all I know. I don't know these folks. Thanks in advance, Neal
  12. FE135


    I don't remember the company name. I was just amaized at the size of the thing.
  13. Whole new world of cool stuff!
  14. FE135


    Sorry I'm late for the party. Just got finished on a the editing so here are some pics. Rest HERE
  15. FE135


    Hi Eddy, great pics and it was nice to meet you today. Kudos for the ASA volunteer work!
  16. Perhaps we need to dune, except I have a 5th gear, (shiny bearly used) and I don't ask for directions cause when the sand stops, I turn. Oh, I do stop on occasion to take pictures.
  17. Tired after a long day at the carshow.
  18. Glad you all like the pictures! Helmets would be a good idea. I was more surprised by lack of eye protection.
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