Looking for a few volunteers to help me stage a few pictures for the American Sand Association (ASA). During the Sand Sports Super Show, they are setting up a kids education booth and need some pics of folks doing the wrong things like riding doubles, no helmet, no flag. If anyone would like to help, please let me know.
Although I have not been to that spot, the area and dry lake is used for filming and is traveled alot. I don't think that is a closed area especially if on the dirt road. I've never seen any signage to stay out.
Figured it out. I was using the Yahoo mail app. When I use the built in mail app, there is a button to download attachment to SD card. Works great, canned Yahoo app. I knew it had to be simple.
More I use phone, more I like it.
Gay it is. Seems when you view the picture, it downloads automatically and places it in the camera memory. After a reboot or some unknown time, It gets moved to the SD card where the viewer can now see it and display it in your gallery. Either a bug or stupid idea.
Dumb, but workable. I had to have something to say "the iPhone is better"
Not on the x2, all my droid friends are baffled. I did use a harder method by going to the Yahoo directory and copy and paste them to SD card but not what I want. There must be a way and it's probably simple,,,, to somebody.
Yea, you guys are on top of that for sure... I do have one question, when you get an email with a picture attached, how do you save it to the phone? I'm using yahoo mail and pressing on the pic or pressing on the left most button doesn't do anything.
Slowly figuring other things out.
I went last night and got the droid x2. Didn't want to wait anymore since Verizon is moving over to a tiered data plans beginning next month and I wanted to avoid that and the rush to get in before it starts. Thats what happened when AT&T did that. I won't see 4G service here for at least a year and half. I did play with both phones and think this will work for me.
Time will tell... Thanks for the comments/suggestions.
Contract is up with AT&T. Looking at new phone options. I don't have any experience with Android phones but the Droid x-2 looks like it might be pretty good. I figure most of you all might know if it is a good phone or not.
Who is happy with theirs? Who hates it? Open to suggestions. The mobile hotspot is one option I need.
Wasn't as many as last year but enough to be worth the trip. I really cringed at the guys without eye protection. Even more after I looked closer at some the the roost shots I did. They were kicking up lots of rocks, wouldn't take much to hurt someone. They did have a light cart but wasn't strong enough for the whole hill, I would say it was the minimum needed though.
Nowhere enough light for 200 ISO pics. The lighting is mine. Not one shadow from theirs.
Look at this closeup of a roost right in the center. That's a BIG rock!
I showed up right when Dunefreak and Chadwick were taking a break. Hung around with them for a little while and did a little scenic pictures before night drags.
Shot some with the infrared camera