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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I showed up right when Dunefreak and Chadwick were taking a break. Hung around with them for a little while and did a little scenic pictures before night drags. Shot some with the infrared camera
  2. Here are some pics from the drags. Rest HERE
  3. Well, it looks VW with disk brake mount attachment. Not 100% sure though.
  4. Need to resurrect this thread with an update. They released the video. Has a lot more of Dumont in it than I thought! Not my flavor of music but a cool video. Here is a link: "Desert"
  5. They usually cost more than Pacific customs or Moore and it's the same stuff. I don't use them since they wouldn't ship to a different address then billing address. I always compare with Doghouse since there is no tax with them. Phil hasn't sent me the wrong items either.
  7. I have a contact who races motocross and does fantastic jumps and is in the Vegas area. I have some shots of him in action on my site. I don't know the extent of his capabilities but he and his friends are good. PM me your e-mail and I'll send it to him.
  8. I think its called GIMP, the photoshop clone. Google it. I also think its free. Lot of folks use it. There is also paint shop pro for cheap, works OK. I used it for a long time. I like the eyeball photo!
  9. Your ready when your ready. I started with one (1). Now I find I don't look at cameras for more capability, I look at lights. And lights are $$$$. So I use the starving artist techniques as much as possible. BTW, those twin 500 watt halogens at Lowes are cheap and using an almost clear shower curtain as a diffuser work pretty good. Just something I noticed. Not good for Action, but give ya ideas.
  10. I was switching between the 80-200mm and a 50mm prime. The orange tint in that pic was from a strobe pointed down at the wood floor reflected up at her.
  11. Thought I'd kick this thread up. I've been experimenting with off camera flash for a while now. It's like starting all over. So many new things to think about and setup in camera. I've been practicing on my son, my dogs, my neighbors, my trees and anything I can around here but an opportunity came up to shoot a couple of local models. Again I felt like I was starting over. My brain can only hold so much anymore. Here are a couple I've done recently.
  12. Along with BP_GUY and his brothers, the military will still be fighting and NOT get paid. But,,, the welfare checks will be sent. Whats wrong with this picture? 60 cents of every dollar the government takes in goes to interest on the deficit. If you all think this shutdown is bad and ugly, just wait. Might take a few years, but you will all see ugly squared. I really want to see this budget reformed. This budget mess is just for the rest of this year, they haven't even talked about next year. If a shutdown is what it takes then so be it. Take notes though, and remember who voted for what and who talked crap next election. Remind them! I don't wish financial hardship on anyone but there is an inevitable meltdown pending. Unless something happens, I'm out of work Monday and NO PAY! I want my country back!
  13. But paid back when budget passes.
  14. Absolutely do. Not my first rodeo. Was there last time.
  15. Just curious if any of you will be affected by the shutdown Friday night if it happens. I know I will. I'll be out of a job till they pass a budget. I'm hoping for two weeks to a month. I need a break.
  16. I hope it's not private. I enjoyed this last year and want to go again.
  17. My favorites are the ones were you focused on the tools, tire, and header. Oh, and of course, the red boots.
  18. As a rotary guy, this is pure sexy. Just a 2 liter engine!
  19. Not when they are under the pacific. What I meant is the wall of water hitting UT would be several hundred feet. I don't think CA is going under. I do think there will be a lot of refugees heading out to NV and AZ. You should of seen them hit my area from the wildfires. I live east of the San Andreas fault by about 35 miles. I'll have the ocean front property,,, thats if I could ever find it.
  20. Yea, later CA,, Oh and later Vegas. The resulting Tsunami would reach UT at several hundred feet.
  21. You are in my thoughts. I pray your pain heals and you find comfort with your family.
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