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Everything posted by FE135

  1. Assuming you are in California, don't even mess around. You will get so many different "opinions". Call Lisa's mobile registration, 619 571-8333. All done by mail, Best $150 bucks you will spend. Ask me how I know,, Just went through this last year.
  2. I'm considering going to this (day trip) for photos.
  3. Since I leave mine with water all year for emergency use, I just drain the lines but the tank is full. A 25 watt light is placed by the water pump. When closed up, that light provides more than enough heat in the enclosed space to keep the water line to the pump and the pump itself from freezing. It would take a deep long freeze to worry about the fresh water tank. You would be surprised how much heat 25 watts will provide. I have been doing this for years and has paid off several times. My motorhome is always ready and I try to keep it that way.
  4. Coroner Case #701008641 - On 12/31/2010 at about 10:00 PM, Jesus Ruiz, a 37 year old resident of North Las Vegas Nevada, was the unrestrained driver of a Polaris Razor off-road vehicle who was off-roading in the area of Dumont Dunes in Rural Baker. While driving in the open desert, Ruiz lost control of the Razor causing it to roll over and ejecting him. Emergency personnel from Baker Ambulance responded to the scene and pronounced Ruiz dead at 10:30 PM from injuries sustained in the collision. The California Highway Patrol is investigating the collision. (01012011 2252 CN)
  5. Congratulations. Good to hear all are well. My wife was also a new years baby. Always a holiday and the day off.
  6. It could be,, perhaps my artistic rendering of you with a broken clutch actuator. A la "starving artist" esc!
  7. In my endeavors to be different I'm always experimenting with new ideas. This one turned out fairly well. Took awhile and I like it but requires too much effort to do very often.
  8. Just keep playing with the camera the way you are. You will get the hang of it. When you get comfy with it, take it out of auto modes and experiment. Try shutter priority "Tv" I think on Cannons. Slow the shutter to about 1/60th and try panning on cars as they go by.
  9. If only a millionth of a second earlier, you would have caught the bullet.
  10. I'll see your BUMP BUMP and raise you a TTT
  11. 2010 Custom, 1.3L Mazda turbo rotary. This is my Street legal buggy. It goes to the sand about once or twice a year.
  12. Santa visited work today as he does every year to see all the squadron kids. He arrives in an F-16 with Rudolf at the controls. I had a minute with him prior to his flight and he was commenting on the writeup in the Sand Sports Mag I had laying around. Here is Rudolf trying to push start the jet. There are more pics on my site, fe135.com
  13. Here are some of my photos from Thanksgiving. All of them are here. Slide show
  14. Just got back, still unpacking but short post. Great pics already, I'm always late. Looks like bp-guy stood in the same spot I did for pics. I had a great week out there. Fantastic meeting up with a bunch of folks on here. I only had small easily fixable problems and the car ran great. Back to the trailer, I'll be back.
  15. Thin Lizzy and UFO are in my Ipod !!
  16. Have you listened to any Alter Bridge? Good rock music and it's new. It's basically Creed without Scott Stapp.
  17. Is it me or are we missing the voting buttons??
  18. I like that pic too. All three of you are smiling! Thanks.
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