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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I will do a little lightning and darkening and some other adjustments as needed to make that picture work for me. In my opinion, most of it is technique and knowing what your camera is capable of. It helps to have an understanding of some basic photography principles so you can make whatever camera you have work for you. I have taken good shots with a cell phone camera and so have others on this board. Just look at what Skinner submitted to the current Pic of the month thread and Bryan M’s phone shots on the DSLR thread. Thanks for the compliment.
  2. That is a great camera. Is 4000th of a second not fast enough?
  3. Those are some mighty big shoes to fill. Let me get a ladder and climb in one and take the compliment, Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the compliments!! If you want to see all the night shots I did, they are in this gallery, CLICKY I only put a sampling in the poker run gallery.
  5. Here are some pics I took. The rest are at fe135.com
  6. What a great Saturday. I drove up just for the day in my Xterra. I gotta say, with only 10 lbs of air in the tires, it’s a dune machine. I did get there in time for the Poker run and was able to get lots of pictures of all the volunteers and prize money winners. I basically spent the day cruising the dunes in climate controlled comfort only stopping for photo opportunities. I did some photoshoots for some folks and a couple of impromptu ones for others. Some notes: Ynot, you do good work that benefits us all. Thanks! You rail is awesome and I think your gonna like the pics I got. Dunefreak, Thanks for all you do for the dune community. You were sure one busy guy out there. I took a few shots of your car at north pole “just because” and I think your gonna like one in particular! (big tease) Duneimonkey(sp?), , Anna, I got some good pics of you. Hell it’s easy, your very camera friendly!! Smokin Al, U ROCK FOOD! Love your car! Ninjagreengirl, Campidiot, ISBB, Thank you for your volunteer work! BLM Guys, Thanks for being visible for the Poker Run and very friendly. If I missed someone, sorry. I’ll post up some pictures soon. Still going through them.
  7. That, IS reality TV my friend. That's what it's all about. While this country is at war, that will never be off topic. Thanks Capt!
  8. Reach was our callsign on the C-141 Starlifter as in "Reach 029". As in Global Reach!! Happy Vet day to me!!
  9. Yup, your right, free for all through Sunday. Good find.
  10. Veterans day is free, yes Weekend free?? Not so sure.
  11. Your writing style is difficult to understand so I'll just say good luck with your project and see you out there.
  12. How bout some more details?? Are you going beam or A-arm? If 300hp is not enough, what are you doing to make more? That swing axle wont support that type of power, what about that? I'm pulling teeth here! BTW, I stopped by your camp twice and your car was there but not you. Just a thought, if your dumping major coin in that car, might want to consider some of the ones for sale. There are some fairly good deals here and on GD.com. Or, are you just building a hill shooter?
  13. Why did the turbos blow up??
  14. I'll be out mostly for pictures. I can carry whatever will fit in an Xterra, that's what I'm bringing. I hope to be there before 9.
  15. I didn't take a lot of video this trip but here is one I threw together. Camp to north pole in about 5 and a half minutes.
  16. I don't think it was you. I couldn't see your engine in the video, the belt cover was a brite florescent green. I'm not calling anyone names, this is more of a situational awareness issue. Call it the safety message of the week. There is a new generation of duners out there now who haven't yet figured out the pitfalls and unwritten rules. "Big dune theory" of avoidance won't work. Nice buggy BTW!
  17. Cool, Thanks, one less headache.
  18. Thanks Randog, he sent them the harness. One more question. Is the V6 Honda a reverse rotation engine? He has a starter(VW type) that fits but wont work if the engine spins the other way.
  19. Thanks, passed it on.
  20. Hey guys, I'm trying to find a link to a site that takes your stock harness and mods it for sandrail use. I've looked all over and can't remember were it was. My buddy is trying to finish his rail for Thanksgiving. Thanks..
  21. That spider was a lot bigger in the dark. I hope you guys do it again next year. I thought it was fantastic and very well done.
  22. I thought everybody keeps a screw driver there?? I don't have room for to many tools
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