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Everything posted by FE135

  1. Here are the photos I took of the Fox Family Graveyard. You guys did an outstanding job. That rat for whatever reason was a tough shot. I think I took it seven times. Enjoy!
  2. Here are some pics. Best way to cruise to camp HDR dune photo Sunset Bert with the new car Brian aka Campidiot Last light on an awesome paint job Haunted graveyard Infrared sunset Feel the power The rest are HERE
  3. It was great to get out in the dunes again! Got some good runs in and the car held up great for 6 days. My friend John, (Sandemon) didn’t have as much luck. He was plagued with issues from the start culminating in a thrown rod through the engine case. It was good to get out and see some friends I haven’t seen in awhile. Bert, congrats on the new car, I knew it would be there. May it bring your family years of enjoyment! Shout out to Brian and family AKA Camp idiots(?) Thanks for letting me try some photo experiments on your car (I’m still working on them). I will rant for a moment, after my accident last year, I am like a fighter pilot. My head is on a swivel and I’m looking for threats all around. Unfortunately, I feel alone. People, PLEASE,, look over a dune before you cross. I had three close calls and one was potentially bad. I don’t think the owner of the Sand Pirates car has any idea just how close his family on the right side of his car was from major injury. I was cruising along in a bowl and his car just appeared right in front of me. I slammed the brakes and turned right hard. My car pitched sideways 90 degrees and cleared his by INCHES!!!! They kept going like I wasn’t there. Shortly after that, a dirt bike crossed my path looking the wrong way. Luckily, I anticipated him and slowed down. He never saw me. Later a sandrail crossed in front of me and they were all looking up hill. Never knew I was there. I even nailed the throttle and pulled up on the left side high on the bowl to waive but no luck so I turned away. It had a Subaru engine with lime green covers. My car got creamed last year, Joe duners RZR got creamed (just heard this here and hope he is OK), and it sounds like others have been close. I now run my front lights on during the day, hope it helps. I will be looking out for you,, PLEASE, look out for me. Rant off. I did take lots of pictures and will post up some tomorrow.
  4. I think those were about a minute or just under. The stars will trail after about 20 seconds. More if your pointed south.
  5. Looks good, and should run strong. I do have a suggestion, can you rotate those exhaust ends downward? I can see them filling up with sand when your not driving. Or maybe you have a cap.
  6. Sounds cool. I might stop by after things calm down to get some spooky lighted night photos if thats OK with you.
  7. Damn, I heard that "Yea" all the way here. Sounds good!
  8. FE135


    Is there going to be a meet and greet on Sat? Usually about 2:00 PM?
  9. Your car will be ready. Never underestimate a guy on a mission. Looking forward to seeing it in a couple of weeks.
  10. FE135


    I will be staying till Monday.
  11. I need a costume,, hummm,, I'm thinking I would make a great citibank viking.
  12. I'm trying to expand visibility in my photography venture and have setup a Facebook fan page. So, if you choose, please become a fan. I will be posting updates on what I'm working on and first notices of new photo galleries. I have a lot of new things planned for the near future and this will be the best place to see them. I’ll still contribute to the normal dunes trip reports here but I also do scenic, night, and other type of photography. Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Neal-Rideout-Photography/133437123373110 Or search from Facebook for Neal Rideout Photography Thanks all and enjoy!!
  13. Let me just add that you really need to do your homework for open carry. I can't stress this enough. That PC section quoted above is an example of why. That section has been modified by case law (people vs. Clark) You can read all about it here: http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=103660 Not all police are up to speed on the laws regarding this either and you will need to know what to do when stopped. Concealing a mag is NOT a crime. Open carry is not recommended even by the much more knowledgeable Calguns gurus. You’re in a county that is more reasonable with CCW and I would suggest that avenue.
  14. I live by Edwards AFB. I will be going to Dumont for Haloween. If someone picks up or delivers the parts, no problem.
  15. Yes, it's true (good state wide) and SB county is CCW friendly. The CCW is STATE issued, not county. The county sheriff only approves your application. Go to http://www.calccw.com/Forums/ and look around and read up on your county. Good luck.
  16. It's your right to bear arms, exercise it as you please. I would also add, know the law and watch out for those 1000 foot school zones. What county do you live in? Some are CCW friendly. Not LA county though. A California CCW is the best in the country bar none.
  17. I like the front paddles, you could do a stoppie if you hit the brakes hard enough. Nice car!!
  18. Nice! I'll be out Halloween weekend just north of bathroom 3. Stop by. I will have my rail this time, red two seater in my avatar.
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