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Everything posted by FE135

  1. Its nice, looks like any half ton truck should be able to handle it. I tow a cargo trailer about that weight with a V6 full size Chevy truck. Not fast but can hold the speed limit. I didn't notice a generator on it. Might want to consider a portable one like the little Honda EU series for power. You know your gonna need to charge the batteries. Good luck with it.
  2. What about one of those cheap mapp gas torches at home depot. Just heat it up some and beat it with a pickle fork and hammer.
  3. Thanks Ynot, those bags look good but might be too small for a DSLR and zoom lens. I'll look at some other camera sites and see what they offer.
  4. Modify my fuel tank to locate the sump in the middle instead of the end - Done. New fuel pump - not sure if it was part of my original problem or not, but just to be sure I got a new one and need to install it. I'll keep my old one as a spare. I think the fuel tank fix solved my problem. Take tranny to shop. Not broke, but I don't know its age or history and figured it might be due. Replace my rear view mirror with something that I can use. The one I have sucks. Repack CV's Fix the slowly leaking right paddle. Install a tach - I have no idea when to shift other than feel or hitting the rev limiter. Not a problem really since my engine has no rods to throw,, Rotary. I have a nice tach with shift light on my V8 car, I'm gonna steal it. Get one of those bling chrome make me faster green sticker plates to mount on the car. Fab up something to hold my camera and seal the sand out. I've been using trash bags.
  5. Call the clerk of the county court and ask what your options are. Thats what my son did. He only got one ticket so im not sure of your options.
  6. I knew right away that Joe's car came out great. Sometimes you get lucky. I went crazy taking photos during the regatta, there were so many cool toys and awesome lighting. Doing night shots of folks 70's felt like we had an assembly line going. How can you not like TCS T's stuff! In the original draft there were two more pages and I had about four more photos in there. I think two of them was TCS T's stuff. One of them was a shot of John (Sandemon). Unfortunately, budgets killed those two pages.
  7. Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate them.
  8. This is kinda cool for me, I was asked to for some photos for the ASA calendar and figured I might get one in there. I already have one in this years calendar. Boy was I surprised when I got a copy of the final draft. Here is some spy shots of the calendar. Remember, the calendar is a big fundraiser for the ASA and should be available in September. They usually sell them at the Sand Sports Super Show. I'll be buying a few copies. Cover, my rail 1st Page, Painter Joe and a guy named Reed made this one 2nd Page, Travis in the center and to the right the road through Glamis Just call me Mr January, me and my rail. (shot by Sandemon with my camera) September, Night shot seen on this site before. Back cover, A just for fun stitched pano from top of Olds hill. I am amazed, proud and honored that they choose so many of my shots for next years calendar. I also want to thank all of you (DDR and DSD) whom let me take photos of your toys. I would stop a dune run with my group just to get a shot that I thought was perfect. The originals used for the calendar are located at this LINK Here they are:
  9. I have been following but must have missed or forgot, what type engine are you going with? Looks nice BTW!! Never mind, Duhh (Buick Grand National 3.8 running 20-25PSI for now)
  10. FE135


    That's pretty dam good for hand held Pete. You got close to the action.
  11. FE135


    They will be better. Share them when you get a chance.
  12. FE135


    I took these in Lancaster last night. Fairly good show. I'm sure with all the camera geeks on this site there should be a ton of fireworks pictures. Post them up, I'll start. All are at this LINK
  13. I'm no HDR junkie but I thought HDR was a combination of photos with different exposure settings vrs shutter speeds. I could be wrong since I don't use it.
  14. "Tatum 1, your cleared for landing"
  15. Here are some of the photos from the drags. Some of the night shots are very high ISO, could use some remote strobes. I still think they came out fairly well considering the conditions. Enjoy All of them can be seen at this link: Night Drags Here is a slideshow Of course, the mighty Xterra, puller of stuck trucks, rescuer of stranded kids on quads, overall dune cruiser.
  16. I took pictures of the trash the next morning but don't want to give our enemies ammo. I did take pics of Rob and Katie (posted above) who are real heroes. This was their first time at Dumont and I asked them if they had any trash bags. They rode back to camp and returned with all they had. They spent the next 45 minutes with me cleaning up. I took some shots of their buggy for them for being responsible duners. There were some really friendly people out there and let me get in their faces, so to speak, to take some really good pictures. It’s a shame that amongst them is a trash dumping human cancer. I tried some different photo techniques and am hoping they turned out good. My quick look last night showed some really good shots. Some might be a little soft if you’re a pixel peeper, but they look good. No moon and those crazy stadium lights present some challenges for night shots. I’ll work on them after work and hopefully have them uploaded within a couple of days.
  17. Oh yea, save all your receipts on parts. That way you won't have to pay tax.
  18. In CA, if you don't have a VIN, you don't have a green sticker. If you get stopped for any reason, you will get a ticket. They can even impound the vehicle without a VIN. If your from any other state, you can get a non-resident sticker and might get by. If I remember correctly, NV has no VIN requirements or registration for OHV's (I could be mistaken). If your in CA and want a VIN, call Lisa @ 619-571-8333. For $152, she will do all the paperwork and all you do is take the vehicle to a CHP office to get a VIN applied. I used her for my last sandrail purchase, best 152 bucks I ever spent. I base that on doing it all myself years ago on my first rail.
  19. I really took a lot of pictures and Its gonna take some time to go through them. Here are a couple, a Teaser.
  20. I'm seriously thinking about showing up for this just to get some good photos. So, if anyone has some special photo needs, let me know.
  21. I had Lisa do all the work: Lisa's Mobile Registration 619 571-8333 Did it all through the mail. Best 152 bucks I ever spent. She speaks Cal DMV.
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