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Everything posted by FE135

  1. Heading back into Death Valley. Going to some of the more remote areas.
  2. Here is the new sump. You can also see were the original was. These pics are from my phone. Here is the whole tank. Long and skinny. Holds about 16 gallons. You will notice the new sump isn't centered. That was by design, had to clear a center rail in the frame. No way around it, no room, tight fit. This pic shows the problem, tank is at 20 degrees. The stick is 0 degrees to show a fuel level. Doesn't take much to uncover the corner sump and flame out the engine. This is with the new sump. Much better. Not perfect but usable. The larger capacity of the sump itself will also help keep fuel to the pump. As you can see, I should be able to get down to 1/3rd or 1/4 tank before I might have a problem. I guess I'll know for sure next time out. I did get a new pump too. Haven't installed it but at least I have a spare.
  3. Since I can't find a fuel tank that would fit the sandrail, I removed my fuel tank and took it to my local welding shop. He is a big off road rock crawler guy. Took one look at the tank and said "thats all wrong". He is going to weld in a proper sump in the correct location. He has never failed me before. I'm pretty confident it will solve my problem. I might get a new fuel pump just to be sure. At worst, I'll have a spare with me at the dunes. I'll take a picture of the finished tank when I get it back. Hopefully, save someone else the headache.
  4. This was an April fools hoax. Wish it wasn't.
  5. I agree and have been searching online for a tank with sump. This one might work, the measurements might be close but I won't know till I get out the tape measure. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/RCI-2150AS/ As a bonus, I would have a fuel guage, no more dipstick. Working late tonight so I'll look tommorrow.
  6. This is from an Aeromotive Tech notice: The drawbacks to stock fuel tank retention are more numerous but less obvious. The stock pick-up/pump assembly is restrictive, requiring complete replacement with a fabricated assembly. When using a stock tank with fabricated pickup, unless the fuel level in the tank is ¾ full or higher, the internal well, which the stock pump draws from, is far too small and poorly supplied with fuel from the rest of the tank. Faced with the demand of a large pump, drawing through a fabricated pickup, it has no chance of refilling fast enough to support WOT full engine load. Under low demand, cruise type conditions, the large volume of fuel delivered to the rails is unused and returned. The same fuel, picking up heat from the pump and the rails, is constantly recycled to and from this well, rapidly increasing fuel temperature. Common problems associated with stock fuel tanks and fabricated pickups are pump cavitation, vapor lock, varying fuel pressure, exaggerated pump wear and lean conditions during both low and high loads. Note: Unlike a carbureted engine, any loss of fuel supply at the in-tank- pickup will immediately result in a loss of fuel volume and pressure at the EFI injector resulting in lean conditions and engine damage. The key phrase: unless the fuel level in the tank is ¾ full or higher I think this is my problem. Now I need to find a tank with sump that will fit in the restrictive space I have. Does anyone know of a manufacturer of fuel tanks that have a sump, are tall and narrow as opposed to the standard flat square type?
  7. It is an external pump that pulls from the lower corner of the tank.
  8. Perhaps if you saw the tank you might understand. Long but narrow and the pickup is in the corner. If you tilted it at 3/4 full, it would/could leave the pickup point above the fuel level. I am thinking of jacking up the side of the buggy to test the theory. I am also not 100% convinced the pump is good, it will cost me about $300 to be convinced. That's a new one.
  9. Thank you Sir, I also love colors to pop out at ya. Perhaps you just need to tweek a couple of settings, this isn't the correct spot to discuss so PM me and I'll help you out.
  10. My buggy has fuel injection and as I burn down the fuel to about 3 quarters full, The fuel pressure will intermittently go to zero for a second. I’m thinking the problem is my fuel tank since it does not have a sump and during duneing the fuel may slosh away from the pickup which is in the corner. Short of getting a newer tank with sump, has anyone tried foam blocks in the tank and would it help? Are there any other tricks that might work? I’m fairly certain the problem is not the pump. I will get a new tank if there is no other option.
  11. Just got back, here some pics: The rest are here
  12. I will be there, north of bathroom 3. Red sandrail.
  13. Heading out to Dumont this weekend. After it starts getting to hot for Dumont I start my summer ghost town explorations and photo shoots. I usually take my red manx buggy and head out in the desert looking for old settlements, mining camps, or anything interesting. If I need a sand fix, I'll head to Pismo. Most stuff is just day trips on weekends. Work is always busy in the summer.
  14. So as I look at these pics I'm thinking, "damn, Pete's getting some great perspective on these". It wasn't till about ten in that I realized he switched from RC's to real stuff. Ya had me! Great shots Pete. That one where you were messin with the colors, Bravo!
  15. 009 was made for VW industrial engines that spin at a constant rpm. Vac advance is for cars. 009 can't sense load on an engine and adjust timing advance accordingly, strictly advances based on rpm. Better mileage with vacuum advance.
  16. I understand your working with a computer model. Since the frame in real life wouldn't be anchored, woulndn't the stress forces then be transmitted further into the frame giving better results. Also, 10K of force applied instantaneously would break anything. Isn't the force more gradual and dissapated somewhat by the suspension and completed frame. Please don't take this as criticism, I'm only asking in an attempt to learn, I'm not a mech eng, I wanted to be one once so I have an interest.
  17. I'm not seeing the advantage in these goggles other than the cool factor. If they offered thermal imaging for night rides, that would be something.
  18. The space station did a flyby last evening and I thought I would get the star trails it left. Since the sun was still just over the horizon I went manual and closed the apeture to about F5.6 so as to not blowout the sky. Thought I would share.
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