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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I was playing taxi service earlier this week for a small film crew doing a music video/short story. It was interesting to see the behind the scenes workings of making movies. Lots of work and long hours. They were good sports about letting me take pictures. I don't know the whole story behind the video since they need to go to the coast to finish. I was able to surmise that this girl crash lands on another planet. The spaceman she is dragging around is her alter ego something metaphor something......... Did I mention I took pictures?? Here: The rest are HERE.
  2. I didn't take as many photos as normal but here are some highlights. The rest are here: http://nealrideout.zenfolio.com/p1068017055 Night shots:
  3. Hi all, I was involved in an accident out in the dunes on Friday after Thanksgiving. My car "Insanity" was very damaged. I want to personally say thanks to all those who stopped just to ask if I needed anything. I want to pesonally say thanks to those of you who stopped and helped while we worked on the car to make it a roller for towing. I'm sorry I didn't get all your names as you know I was busy. It makes me proud to know that Karma returned the favor and sent good folks to help me when needed. I recognized lots of DDR folks. Speak up and be recognized. My son, Tony and I thank you very much. It may take some time for repairs, but we are not done. I know there is another thread on this accident and also noticed it was turning negative. This thread is about duners helping duners. Once again. Thank you. Neal
  4. Remove the engine, clutch will be attached to it. 4 bolts, fuel line disconnected and a couple of wires. Cv's are untouched. Get a friend, each grab a side of the engine and remove. I use a floor jack and a block of wood to do it by myself. Its very easy.
  5. I added a few more photos, here is one: Playing around with Photoshop. The rest are here: Gallery
  6. Here is why you run beadlock wheels if your gonna jump or wheelie like this guy. I caught this right at the moment of landing. Look at the front tires. Very cool.
  7. Well, he approached me and introduced himself as Run2it, imposter? Also, Thanks for the compliments folks.
  8. What a great trip! Burned through a lot of gas and always made it back under my own power. Seemed like I did stop many times to help out other folks and I'm glad it was nothing serious. Nice to meet up with some of you from this site also. All my photos are here: Photos from Dumont Here are some highlights: Rescue the rescuers Enjoy!!
  9. There will be an airshow here at Edwards AFB Oct 17th. Since we test everything, should be a nice sampling of aircraft. Don't know if F-35(JSF) will show but we got F-22's. Very nice pics.
  10. I run Mobile 1 0w-30 year round.
  11. This one is a long exposure, 47 seconds at F7.1. Maxed out on the zoom, 200mm. This lens is always a pinch soft at the max but I was 15 miles away. Another long exposure is here: Photo
  12. What a great idea! A little crop and pasting, and I could say it was from the Mars rover. :mog:
  13. I'm over by Rosamond. The sun was on the other side and above the smoke wall. I took it over by Fox field. The camera is a Nikon D90 and the lens is a 18-200mm. I took some with a 10.5mm fisheye and de-fished it for a wider angle. Here is one: It was snowing ash yesterday. Lucky for now, the wind is keeping the smoke east of us.
  14. This is a Cal fire bomber. they are flying nonstop.
  15. This is the wall of smoke from the fires south of me. The sun was helping the shot perfectly. Sad that to get a good photo requires so much destruction.
  16. If you place your hand over the carb portion thats not working, does the engine rpm change? Also, did you just adjust your valves, and if you did, perhaps mistakenly, one is too tight.
  17. I hope you set that timing at about 3000 rpm. Thats too much at idle. This may sound silly but try backing off the idle adjustments on both sides and see if the idle mixture screws start working again. Its possible to have the idle speed adjuster set high enough to open up more transition circuts allowing the main circut to start metering fuel. I have seen this mostly on higher cammed engines. Good luck.
  18. As a Nikon user I will add a yes to VR. You will love it when you get to lower lighting and slower shutter speed situations. That D60 is a good camera. Get familiar with the exposure compensation button and consider it the throttle for the camera. Shoot everything in "P" mode unless you need otherwise. Once you get the hang of it, you will love the camera. BTW, I have the 18 - 200 lens. I use it all the time. If you have the 18-55, don't use a filter at night or you will get ghosting.
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