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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I don't have anything setup. Mostly cause I wasn't sure if I could make it. If you need something, let me know. Along with my dune runs, I'll be looking for targets of opportunity since I have a section in the magazine to keep up on and just my normal photo stuff I do.
  2. I run a rotary in my rail so I have some experience with them. I wouldn't call myself an expert. Here are a few tidbits that might help. Yes, you can run low boost. Might need to add some race gas to up the octane. Best would be the turbo rotors and even better is the housings for them. The turbo intake has four runners and yours probably has six so it is basically an engine change. For some increase in power, consider an aggressive street port. Templates are available from the rotary performance houses. It will still idle good and pull much harder at upper rpm's. If you want more, you're getting into J porting or the ultimate, peripheral ports. Weber and Holley carbs are used with rotary's and intakes are available. Fuel injection is better with the four port intakes since that is what most systems are available for. You can get older Haltec computers cheap, they work good. I use MSD coils and boxes for ignition. Hope that helps.
  3. Heard today that the guy driving died of brain trauma. Also that both weren't wearing seat belts because it was too hot. Second hand info from one of our group who spoke to the Sheriff. What a waste, for nothing, if true.
  4. I think I'll head out there at 8:30. I know some of the friends in my group are wanting me to do this. I think along with you guys it should be a good turn out.
  5. Not sure what time just yet. Didn't think about trick or treating. Maybe 8 or 9 if that attracts a few more. Still flexible right now.
  6. I'm planning to do some night action photography Saturday night after sunset about 200 - 300 yards south of Banshee hill. For those going to Dumont the weekend BEFORE Halloween, would there be any interest? Just trying to gauge how many would go before I drag my equipment out there. I did this in Idaho and had a pretty good turnout. It was fun especially after we heard folks thought it was an automatic camera that would take your picture if you drove by, cracked me up. Anyway, anyone interested? This is what it looks like. There is a small jump south of Banshee that might be more interesting.
  7. Good news, many calls were made to Merced PD and they arrested him! Justice may be slow but has its sweet spots.
  8. Well I found this. Not that good. I cropped it from the top of a shot I took when all the cops were there. I wasn't focused on the rail. Might jog a memory for someone.
  9. I didn't get a shot of his rail that's usable, I mean other than when the accident happened and that shows nothing useful. Maybe someone has a good one??
  10. Well since this came back up I decided to contact Craig's sister for an update. To my surprise, the guy that killed him has a warrant out for his arrest but no one has picked him up. Perhaps budgets or low hanging fruit in the police eyes but this guy is out there. He could even still be going to Dumont. So in the event you see him, call the sheriff. They should be out there on the big weekends. His warrant is for vehicular manslaughter. I'll post his info but do not recommend or endorse any contact or harassment. You could get in trouble. But if you see him, I'm sure the police would arrest him. His sister is pissed off about him roaming free. She wrote this to me (printed with permission): "Hi Neal, last time I checked, which was last month, a warrant was out for his arrest still and he had not been picked up. I called asking why don't they go pick him up at his business or home and they said they do warrant busts every once in a while, which is absolutely ridiculous. The thought of that guy out at Dumont again and the anniversary of Craig's death right around the corner is just tearing me up and just makes me so sick. I hope he feels bad enough to never go out there again, but I doubt that's the case. I'll let you know when I hear something more. I can't sit around much longer and wait for them to pick him up. I've been having such a hard time dealing with my brothers death that's it's almost unbearably to think about. But I'm going to have to do something soon and make a trip and hopefully they will pick him up if I'm there." I told her there would be hundreds of eyes looking if I posted this info up. Again, I really don't recommend having any contact with this guy. I'm just posting open publicly available content. Warrant Link for San Bernardino case number FBA1300223: http://openaccess.sb-court.org/CRIMINAL/minute.asp?courtcode=X&casenumber=FBA1300223&defnbr=3997835&defseq=1&otnmseq=0&dsn=&actioncode=HEXAW&actiondate=20130409&actiontime=10.56 His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.smith.313924
  11. I'll be about 150 yards north of 3, we should meet.
  12. I finally got a reply from the park department on the questions I presented them. Seems I either stumped them or they don't want to admit to my position. Instead of giving me their answer, they sent it out to the "originators" for their intent. I replied stating that the law is very clear, the law is written as an either is or isn't type of text. I pointed out that the state senator didn't write this law but copied the verbiage word for word from the lobbyists representing the manufacturers letter. Also that there was no input sought from any off road organizations. I also replied with examples of real world people who are affected. So, still in progress.
  13. Glamis is open, confirmed by the ASA, go there!
  14. Don't throw that 13b away! I could always use it. Thats what I run.
  15. Glad you guys like it! Thanks! This was an idea I pitched to the magazine awhile back. The idea is to take the readers rides idea and kick it up one notch. Instead of reader provided shots, we take them just like we do for a feature article and get more folks in the magazine. There are so many out there that have cool sand toys and we find you, get a few shots and a little info and in the magazine they go. I think it's more special to the owner when done this way. The big thing now is to get feedback on it and you guys can help. Basically, do you like the idea or not? I would like your inputs on it. I want to go back to the editor and give him the responses good and bad. We are going to try this for a while but hopefully it will become a regular section. Let me know.
  16. It was good to meet you also Sean. I had a good time. I spent most of it talking with a bunch of my customers and making contacts for new ones. It was a SxS show by far. The amazing thing is I didn't buy anything. I did stop at the Rigid lights booth and showed them the flashlight I made using one of their lights that I use for my night photography and they went nuts over it. They brought their marketing person over, took a bunch of pictures, asked a million questions. They told me they were going to get with their engineers to perhaps build a prototype. Cracked me up listening to them. I told them to get me one for testing and I would donate mine to their museum, LOL! Here are a few shots I took Sean working his booth XP1K, the modified RZR used in the video. Next years raffle car for ASA
  17. I'll be there Sat and Sun. Along with looking around and getting photos, I'll be at the Sand Sports booth and probably do some time at the Idaho Dunes RV booth.
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