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Everything posted by FE135

  1. I didn't know this. Just looked at the Cali portion of the site. We pass so many laws it's hard to keep up.
  2. I changed things up a bit and went to Glamis. The ASA has been asking me to go for a while now and I thought this weekend would work. I'm glad I did. It was nice to get out in all that vastness and worry about having enough gas to make it back to camp. Luckily, that wasn't a problem. Hit all the major hills and finally got to visit the flagpole, something I have wanted to do for years but seemed to never get to. Hung out with some friends at Olds and even managed to get in a shoot for the magazine. We camped in the washes which is ok but the trains running all night took a little getting used to. Made it to the drags on Saturday. Basically unorganized mayhem but still worth the trip out there. Some really fast rails for sure. I got a lot of photos which made the ASA happy and even got hit up by the BLM for some work. The bowls between Osborne and Olds are awesome! I seemed to keep going back for more. All the big hills are wooped out in the middle but there was plenty of good sand on the ends. Great trip! I'm still going through all the photos but here are a few I used on my Facebook.
  3. Well thats very nice of you! Thank you! Good luck and I'm sure I'll see you out there.
  4. AHHHHHH! More competition! Stay on your side of the dunes!!!! Just kidding...
  5. Thanks Sancho, I need to add a few missing essentials in my box now!
  6. In my rail I keep some basic hand tools, wrench for CV's, Spare CV, wire, assorted nuts and bolts, couple of lug nuts. tie wraps, tow strap, one or two special sockets for a few things. The idea is to get me back to camp were I have more tools and welder if needed. Oh and an emergency sattelite transponder in case someone is hurt badly and no cell service.
  7. I came out just for Saturday to do a shoot for the magazine and went over to comp to get a few photos and saw all your rails playing for a few runs up comp. Met up with Joe Duner and Sand Snake for a few shots. Had some time to kill so I aired down and did a little duning with the Xterra. Ran up Banshee hill a few times and found a spot with a good view. Pretty cool seeing a bunch of DDR rails running the dunes in the distance. They had it all to themselves. I did manage to get a few shots of you guys as you were zooming around some bowls. Met up with Mike and Kristine who brought out a Turbo Raptor from Utah. Awesome looking bike, over 100hp. Just sounded mean! After the shoot, went and visited Pat, Rocket and his group to catch up and then over to the other DDR camp by bathroom 6. Thanks to Steve, Pete, and Joe, I was able to use their rides to get my Christmas project done. Hung out by the fire for a little and left for home. The dunes never disappoint if even for just a day trip in my SUV. These two photos are from my Facebook. I didn't get through all of them yet. I'll have more good ones within a few days. Sand Snake punishing the sand Kristine on the Turbo Raptor
  8. I need a volunteer to let me take a few photos of your ride at sunset and maybe just after. Just sitting there not action. It's for a Christmas project. Rail, SxS, or quad works.
  9. Looks like I will be at Dumont Saturday. Just a day trip for a customer but if anyone wants some photos, let me know.
  10. Here is the video from the ride. Thanks go out to Steve for the helmet cam footage and Wayne for letting me clamp a GoPro to your car. Click me
  11. Here are the photos I took at the north pole. They are free downloads. Just click on the picture.
  12. Rigid led's, best light I ever bolted on. low power consumption is a bonus.
  13. I knew the line was long but to see it stretch that far,,,damn. I would peek every now and then but I was very concerned with picking good lines since I didn't know the experience levels of everyone. I have some video but haven't looked at it yet. Thanks for getting some shots on the go!
  14. Thank you and thanks to all who showed. Many more than I expected!!! We arrived at North pole with 71 vehicles. Mix of every type including Bert and his life saving Tracker!! I'm still at the dunes for a couple of days so when I get home, I'll make the photos available for free. I also have some video. My friend Steve had a helmet cam and I attached a GoPro to one of the buggys at the end of the line. I'll also do a little writeup and send it and the pictures to the Magazine.
  15. I went by comp Saturday morning and it was a trash yard. Empties everywhere. I took some pictures. Later when we came back, it was all gone. Thanks to who ever cleaned it up. Super hero!
  16. I haven't reset the time in camera in awhile. could be still on daylight savings for all I know. Big deal, it was before noon.
  17. They let them drive it away. Had front end damage.
  18. Imagine if he was about 20 degrees to the left. You and your friends would have gotten it. You answered the only question we couldn't. From our vantage, we couldn't tell if his front end was up or not. We were looking down at it from behind.
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