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Vegas FX400

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About Vegas FX400

  • Birthday 12/19/1973

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    23' weekend warrior
    The Albino Rhino(My truck)04 F150 FX400 - The older brother to the Ford Raptor
    2009 RZR SE - totalled!!!!!!
  • Location
    Vegas baby
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    If I told ya I'd have to kill ya.

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  1. Last time we went to Dumont, I got less than 5 miles from the house and the pass side wheel well was smoking like crazy...blew the bearings/hub...luckily I was able to nurse it home and get it fixed in a cpl hrs
  2. Will be fine however you will notice a huge difference with paddles. For years I ran my 800 w/out em....finally bought some and WOW.....I could go everywhere the 1k's would, not as quick however, but still got there.
  3. Holycrap...I wanna go just to eat the food at Grills Gone Wild. ..daaaaayum
  4. Damn, he could have made a sandwich up there. ...hahah.
  5. He copied me...."Sideways".....#gotsidewayssuspension ?? hahahah....Those whoops fk you up
  6. I used to take I15 through Baker just in case I was to break down (more traffic and patrols). That damn hill killed me though being that I use a half ton to tow with. I ended up exploding a piston one trip on the way back. Since I now live in Mts Edge, I take Tecopa...I can get there in what seems like 90mins. LOVE IT!
  7. I can vouch that this is a very clean unit and well kept.
  8. Hey, that's my ride in the bottom left corner.......lol
  9. his legs were tired and then he said "That's it, I'm done!"
  10. Every day was pretty damn warm except for Saturday...perfect conditions. We were on a run Friday and good thing I still drive the 800...if I would have been 3sec faster, I would have been t-boned by a sandrail haulin ass to catch his group.
  11. A nice 74° right now. Light breeze, making it awesome out. Dunes were mostly smooth today. About 20 total vehicles at Comp as of about an hour ago, including our 6. Couldn't ask for better weather. A little overcast either with the clouds opening up a bit laster in the afternoon.
  12. That was friggin great!!! Thanks for filming and sharing.
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