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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. that is true..........fugger.
  2. the dunes, a rzr ( that's cuz i just bought one) but for trails, i would have to say a rhino or teryx. I havent had mine on trails yet, but the do have more room and clearance. As far as a 686 kit in a rhino. There is one guy on here who's rhino is just highcompression, no big bore, and spanks rzr's. Yamakiller is his name. His is pretty fast.
  3. hmmmmm...if i dont sell mine...nah, never mind.
  4. go up to St. George. See Kelly. That's where I went. Good peeps up there.
  5. he's doing side work. Not sure if he has his dyno still. Hit him up on here. (Powerhouse)
  6. just get her a used honda 400ex....i think there is one on here for sale........................hint hint hint
  7. but ride now wants way too much....Rape Now Powersports.
  8. i was told that the girl was paralyzed from waist down.
  9. oh okay. That's cool. I did get the extended warranty too.
  10. ????? you mean from the reg 6mos. Didnt see that.
  11. uhhhhhhhh..............yea. that's thats what i was thinkin
  12. Cool, thanks craig. Just filled it out. now just have to wait 4 -6 weeks.
  13. I had to use it, and really didnt want to put it back.
  14. Well, me and the wife went last week and bought this bad boy. I friggin love it. 09 RZR Special Edition
  15. RIP................todays paper say that it's not sure if it is evan tanner. But look at everything else. Our paper is dumb.
  16. Yea, i wanted to see chuck win too. But Evans is a good fighter. Once he got hit, i was like "Holy chit" out for almost a minute.
  17. Nice pics man. Looks like you all had a good time. I try and post some of Havasu.
  18. I havent found those yet, but also, what about this stuff???? NRS 490.110 Authorized and unauthorized operation on highway. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if an off-highway vehicle meets the requirements of this chapter and the operator holds a valid driver’s license and operates the off-highway vehicle in accordance with the requirements of those sections, the off-highway vehicle may be operated on a highway in accordance with NRS 490.090 to 490.130, inclusive. 2. An off-highway vehicle may not be operated pursuant to this section: (a) On an interstate highway; ---> (B) On a paved highway in this State for more than 2 miles; or © Unless the highway is specifically designated for use by off-highway vehicles in a city whose population is 100,000 or more. (Added to NRS by 2005, 2028) NRS 490.120 Required equipment for operation on highway. In addition to the requirements set forth in NRS 490.070, a person shall not operate an off-highway vehicle on a highway pursuant to NRS 490.090 to 490.130, inclusive, unless the off-highway vehicle has: 1. At least one headlamp that illuminates objects at least 500 feet ahead of the vehicle; 2. At least one tail lamp that is visible from at least 500 feet behind the vehicle; 3. At least one red reflector on the rear of the vehicle, unless the tail lamp is red and reflective; 4. A stop lamp on the rear of the vehicle; and 5. A muffler which is in working order and which is in constant operation when the vehicle is running. (Added to NRS by 2005, 2028) NRS 490.130 Duties of operator when operating vehicle on highway. The operator of an off-highway vehicle that is being driven on a highway in this State in accordance with NRS 490.090 to 490.130, inclusive, shall: 1. Comply with all traffic laws of this State; 2. Ensure that the certificate of operation for the off-highway vehicle is attached to the vehicle in accordance with NRS 490.080; and 3. Wear a helmet. (Added to NRS by 2005, 2028) I also just looked at the AZ dept. of M.V and fish and wildlife. For an ATV to be registered to operate on highways, it has to have the same as NRS 490.120..................and for a 4 wheeler, you have to have a "D" endorsement or class license.
  19. i will have to find it. I saw it some where, and someone was telling me about it. Kinda like out of state reg. cars. I work with alot of military and one of the guys was tellin me about too.
  20. holy border patrol hotties batman..................DAYUM.
  21. The one thing that is f*cked up, is that the law states that any vehicle that is registered from out of state, the current state must recognize it.
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