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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. it was only one can, and NO i did not.
  2. Just got back from a weekend in Ely camping. Got a few beer pics for ya. in the Ward cemetary beer got wounded , had to put em down another headstone i know its off topic, but here are a few just showin DDR oooooooooooh. Snow old a$$ DDR tractor a DDR bomb ??????????? Damn, a DDR hat in some po-dunk trading post.
  3. DAMMIT. I've got a party to go to on the other side of town that night. For my wife's work. They are kickass partys though
  4. Dude, there are 10 forcloseures in my development alone. Check out the Silverado area. Just FYI
  5. at the lake at coral pink
  6. does some guy named Tony own Gecko wraps?????
  7. they look fine, but with bigger tires and such, you wont be gettin sh*t for gas mileage and bigger than 35" tires starts to affect your towing. Mine sits stock, with the 2" front leveling and about 34"- 34 1/2 in. tires.
  8. there is one gas station where you can fill up w/ water. When your comin into town. it's the 1st one on the left. they have a janky dumper too.
  9. trust us. Thats the way to go. I-15 n just past St.George. Take the Hurricane turn off. Then once in hurricane, follow signs to fredonia. Once you get near fredonia, you will see signs for Kanab/ Coral Pink Sanddunes Recreation Park.
  10. Happy Four-oh......................
  11. coming up on sat. will be tight, with it being a holiday weekend and all. There shouldnt be a problem finding a spot, since it's just your truck/trailer and another
  12. someone had said that the cane bed road is all F'd up. We usually go that way, but we're just gonna go through Kanab instead.
  13. yea, my truck reg. is do soon too, so probably going to that, or put away for vacation, or a new tattoo
  14. i think thats the only picture that you have with your only shirt that has sleeves.......................HAHAHa
  15. Mine actually got broken into there, a while back, then moved it from against the fence to a better spot...and now the put a wall up around the whole place. When mine got broken into , there was actually 3 of em that it happend to. The one next to us had 2 quads that they had locked up outside, so it was temptation
  16. same here.......135 a month over at best storage off of the 215 and pecos
  17. hellz yea........that where i bought my 400ex from.great prices
  18. That sucks man...............just tell them that you ARE gonna be off that day, then throw a wrench at em'....Hopefully you will be able to go.
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