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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. ahhhhhhh, so you do want his pop tart.........hehehe
  2. maybe you just missed placed it, ya know, kinda like the keys or the remote....................haha
  3. just imagine how many muscle shirts you could buy
  4. sweet man, i'll be over in a bit..........does that mean your gonna buy the bike.............hahaha
  5. :dance: ...............hell yea, then throw some donks on it
  6. I heard about it and read it over on hotboats............................ :praying:
  7. LOL..yea , i notice that too.........everytime i pick up my dog from my bed to put her in hers, it smells like fritos.....................
  8. Sheeeiittt........i would have started rappin witcha.........."Straight outta compton"..... :afro: "Comin staight outta compton, is a brotha who'll smotha your motha, and make ur sista think i luv her........." .............haha
  9. so, lemme get this right. You like wood even if it's soft??????????
  10. Damn, thats a good deal.........cant pass that up.
  11. thats cuz we're from vegas..............oh i mean , born and raised.......
  12. exactly.............thats what my next one is, gettin it in few weeks or sooner
  13. i thought this was about fruit smoothies in your toyhauler...........
  14. Hella.....................yep, thats me Or, when it used to be safe to go to Lorenzi Park
  15. Damn, very very sad and heart wrenching...............hard not to get teary eyed reading it . My thoughts and prayers go out to those families. :praying: :praying:
  16. nice lookin bike..........congrats
  17. hell yea, then after the soup kitchen we can go over to Mc'Niels Quick Check for some fortys................mmmmmmmmmmmm OL'E here we come.
  18. :Imma_throwup: :GWH: ..................... :worthless_without_pics:
  19. not sure we're makin it.....cant get the time off, and neither can the wife, plus, she's injured right now from last weekend at amargossa....rhino rolled over backwards two times.
  20. hobbi, there's one called rpm or somethin like that, the sx1800 by WW, i think theres another one called Octane or inferno. Do a seach on toyhauler or rv manufactures, then go from there.
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