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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. ive seen that one before................WHOOOO WHOOOO......dumb a$$es
  2. Just Arnettes for me......since they first came out....used to have some Spy's but the got stolen recently
  3. thats what i meant. More people than Last Memorial Day Holiday. Comparing the two different holidays.
  4. Didnt take many pics this trip, i'll see what i got. We ended up pullin in about 9am saturday. Damn it was packed. More people than last memorial day, alot more. Did alot ridin this trip, always awsome. Hung out w/ Offroad racer, and the Farkas's for a bit, JJ came by to say hey, alot of drinkin ( of course ) good food and good times like always. My buddy busted an A-arm on his rhino, but he did get some good air. Alot of people thought the camp and entrance whoops were the best place to ride.(????) Two awsome night rides too. Oh yea, Ed, that was me on the rhino sunday evening yellin Hey F'ers, on top of the hill where you guys stopped at..................All in all, goooooood times.
  5. Damn man, that IS messed up. Never mess wit someone's ride, thats a big no no.......sorry to hear that man.
  6. watchutalkinabout, your hardly out there, sorry man, i just had to.
  7. we do, we only tow a 23 footer, so its not that bad, the only that does suck , if you happen to breakdown, there aint nobody around to help you. Or you could just ride your quad to the ranger station or meadow and get help.
  8. thats acutally Colorado City, its before the cane beds road and way before Kanab............come on , get it right.
  9. uuuuhhhhhh.....................................no. They usually come in to ask if they can use the phone. Last week this lady came in lookin tore up from the floor up, askin to use the phone to call her boss. I said NO....i wanted to say, " Yea right, your boss, HAHA"
  10. so i got out back a little bit ago to clean some cars, and this is what i find at least he went nighty night with a full tummy
  11. yes, im still goin Ed....should be pullin in around 4 or so, i have to work sat. but closin the shop at noon.
  12. i'll drink a couple or 15 for you guys, and i'll have a double order at Cracker Barrell for ya too........mmmm
  13. dont you mean we're( as in we are) not as in where the hell are we :chev_bowtie:
  14. looks like i wont be leaving town until sat around 1pm....couldnt find anyone to fill in here......
  15. i help too. if that means stumbling over, and just standing around or swaying with a beer in my hand, im there.
  16. i used to rock the mini-truck mullet
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