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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. congrats Ken...wont be able to make, we'll be in sand hollow
  2. dayyyum, does it come with its own zipcode..........very nice, congrats
  3. i think dumont is done this season,but we'll be doing sandhollow, coral and duck creek
  4. I remember that.....Just buff it and glue it :ahhhhh:
  5. yea, no sh*t, she loves everyones mom........
  6. That hill fuggin sucks......20 mph....thats why i go at night
  7. hmmmmm.lemme think............................yea a SCAM
  8. Vegas FX400


    dayum..........that is sick a$$ paint work......makes me drool
  9. I called wheelers, they dont.. Same place we dump, very clean and user friendly
  10. yea, there is a trail, but you have to cross the road, we do it all the time...you can pretty much go anywhere.......we camp off of Mamoth Creek road, out in the sticks, we even found a trail that goes all the way to swains creek...........next time your up there buy a map from Loose Wheels.....its a great map. Has all of the trails numbered and everything.
  11. that is one crooked a$$ sticker
  12. Space Balls.......................great movie " Say what one more time mutha f**ker"
  13. Breakfast Club "Watch out for bootie traps" " you mean booby traps" "thats what i said, bootie traps"
  14. okay . so it seems like we all got off track here.......Post a quote, someone guesses which movie it is from, in turn they post a new quote....
  15. Yes, thank you vicki and the rest of FoDD, awsome job at organizing such an event, and to the BLM , and last but not least all of DDR.....we fuggin rock
  16. Had a great time this weekend 1. ISBB did make......... :dunce: 2. GWH likes to make little kids trip 3.Stevo and Pauly are hooked on Sideways suspension.................sorry we didnt go this time guys 4. DDR kicked major a$$ cleaning up 5.Duniemonkie likes Neil Diamond Also.....yea 6. It was africa hot out.... 7. And last but not least.................always great times hangin with my fellow DDRers
  17. Jada Pinkett Smith, Marlon Wayans, Credit Cards
  18. Happy Gilmore... " Man , i dont know who it was, you all look the same, and smell like Bologna"
  19. i loved that movie....."look, its a mail plane" " how do you know its a mail plane?" " By the little things....."
  20. Ah Ha....now i get it... " You seen men at work?" " Where they work" " Police" " where , in concert?" " No , Behind you"
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