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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. i agree with ken..................But i really dont give a sh*t...........
  2. that was good for a mornin laugh.........
  3. i love that chick from NCIS.........Paula Perette, and the lady who plays Zeva
  4. ive got the 16ft pole and the ladder mount...works great
  5. yea, just buff it and glue it..........haha
  6. I just ordered two green led rotating beacons from reavepartytoys.com....battery operated 24.95 a piece....
  7. go up to coral pink, duck creek , and the lake
  8. i dont know about everyone else, but i sure dont bring any tar to the dunes, i leave it on the street......
  9. and also, back then if you were hyper, you were just damn hyper, not A.D.H.D, and if you didnt pay attention you just werent insteresed, not A.D.D....................Or if the kid was a ss lllll ooooo wwwww learner, he was just slow and sent to special ed. now they have all these damn diseases that corporations and the government made up......................Thats it for now
  10. If youre young and single, with nothing holding you down here....GO FOR IT MAN...................San Diego is awsome.
  11. DAMN, send him my way if he needs a rental car...........There's always accidents in front of my shop, so i tell people that i cause them to get me business
  12. i thought you have won once, with the black yfz
  13. my group will try and make it, if not we'll meet ya at the north pole
  14. ^^^^^^ i bet ur happy as sh*t............
  15. yea, but dont f it up, once the vehicle goes offroad( dirt, sand,) it voids out the rental contract.....just be careful......
  16. that looks like fun...ive seen ads for it in mens health
  17. goin out thurs night...............by #6
  18. ^^^^^^^ as you can see though, those are not for pre runnin, just the look and better off road suspension
  19. These are one's that come form the dealership( actually Roll A Long) 04 and 05's are FX400 these are the 06's
  20. what ford mag is the ARTICLE in.....................haha
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