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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. a buddy of mine in highschool had one. had the BEST sound system in it , we would pile like 8 people in it and go to lunch.....Fun times...
  2. that is some EXTREME b.s goin on at that company
  3. yea, plus thats a nice pic of you drinkin some sissy drink at the dunes....what was it, a wine cooler or somethin
  4. hahahaha .......see ya f##ker.........
  5. dedicated....yes...70hrs a week........do i love it , no. Ive been lookin for new stuff to do...Just gettin tired of only havin 1 day off a week. But thats the price for being your own boss. been in the buis. for 13yrs. Startin to get old
  6. Got out there thurs night, still windy, truck was swayin all over to Dumont. The rest of the weather was awsome. Came to look for ya Pete on Fri. aftrnoon, but i dont think you were there yet, a buddy of mine was camped just past you guys on the right. I was just to the left of #6 about 200 yrds. My Observations....... Fireworks exploding 20ft above your head when your drunk are pretty cool.. My truck still can climb the dunes with no problem( but i still get in trouble with the wife) 30 beers on friday starts you weekend off GREAT.................... that next morning you feel like sh*t 35 lbs of crab legs, 2 lbs of shrimp, 10 lbs of potatoes, 30 ears of corn, 1 tri tip and 4 rib eyes, can feed about 20 people for one kickass crab boil. Your neighbors love you when you give them left overs from that crab boil. And to the f'ers who stole my BIG cooler( still loaded)............. :angry22: :beatup: :shoot:
  7. its always good drunken times....................
  8. hey pete, where will you be at, so i can swing by and say wasssup and have a beer or four
  9. :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: :north_pole:
  10. it looks as if he was saying that he isnt sure if ninja's can ride 2 wheelers
  11. in my experiences, gin give you the WORST hang over..............thats why i dont drink it anymore, and it could have also been because i drank one and a half bottles of it one night.....I have also found out that slurpee's work great too, somethin about the sugar in it.....and it's refreshing
  12. Glad to see everyone had a good time....sorry i didnt make it pete. I got f'd up at Gordon Biersch, was already drunk when we got home, so there was no more drivin for me.......
  13. Thats a sweet a$$ flag..................i want one.............i got a new one with Cadillac emblems on it...............Gangsterrr.........
  14. Thats where i got mine, nice price......my buddy used to live down there, hes a truck driver, so he delivered it to me...didnt have to go pickit up.
  15. Yea, MERRY CHRISTMAS.... :dance: :fro:
  16. I think you mean Supermax, no Duramax
  17. there was some funny ones. especially the one when the guy ...........hahah
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