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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. damn, i guess i just got lucky then...
  2. i bought mine in cali. had a problem w/ the fridge and they fixed it no prob's.
  3. i like that vegas one....it saweet
  4. i've got an 07 ww fs2300 with the billet and two captains chairs. I love it , had just one minor problem w/ the fridge......got it at giant rv in cali.
  5. and its got a bench seat in the back, incase u wanna take a nap....u might wanna fix that tail light though
  6. i usually feel fine after i ride when i drink......i might stumble a little, but thats about it. .........no really though, i might have a few, but when i start to throw em back, no more :dance: for me.......
  7. dayum.......that is sweet as hell.............. :dance:
  8. yea yea yea Nick .........j/k man. lighten up .....to be honest, i totally forgot about it.....
  9. Glad it was a good time, and to get the chit talker f'in trashed....sorry i missed it. would have love to been there, but after 12hrs at the office everyday, i'm not much for anything once i get home.......And i take it he didnt out drink anybody but himself....
  10. dont play at a table with more than 2 decks....raises the house's odd's...Keep it single or double, no more than that
  11. yea magical....like the unicorn.
  12. we dont drink either, at least no that alcohol stuff you speak about.It's just coco and chocolate milk for us, if we wanna get wild we'll have a yoo-hoo
  13. no one on here knows about them let alone play with matches....i heard those are bad....and hurt people ...............................
  14. i like that idea...kinda like they have at the lake........they have the samething printed on them
  15. check out the new toyhauler magazine, the have a write up on them, or www.toyhaulermagazine.com
  16. i've been in one and i think they are quite nice. Cant remember the price though....
  17. i will also have to say no, for all the reasons listed above...
  18. -----i saw ur mom naked smile ----wait til u pass out smile ----"yaaaay(special)---smile :no_no: ---- ninjarific smiley ----whachutalkinboutwillis smiley ---- eatin corn on the cob through a chainlink fence smiley
  19. even though i havent met him......Hope he gets well soon..... :yeah_whatever:
  20. sorry to hear about the loss.......My thoughts and prayer go out to all and the family.
  21. damn roy, you need more space.. Still havent found one i guess.
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