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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. no chit........our caddies rent for less than the rhino per day.....dayyyumm
  2. Vegas FX400


    yea he did, he took a big risk, he was also talkin about how he was living out of his car and all...then he f'd up and got kicked off...
  3. damn bob........thats some funny shiat......and i also agree with dinicolada.......you never know....
  4. sweet banner, i think we'll be uo there for t day
  5. I just think it is childish that all of these newbies get on here just to talk smack.....WHO CARES.....if you fast, then race it at banshee wars and see really who fast you are or aren't
  6. no not really, i dont care who's faster or better than who. Who give's a Flyin F*&k........Just like to ride to have fun. Dont need to talk sh*t about it or prove anything to anyone but myself...
  7. j/k ...come on guys, cant we just get along....
  8. try a smaller tube, or cut the end off of the cap of a papermate pen..............well now that it looks like im a criminal........it was the High School i went to, thats what we learned in shop class...
  9. damn, that guys' violent.................^^^
  10. can i just get the hoes...........
  11. ^^^^^ and this means...............???????
  12. it has a belly button in its mouth
  13. good lookin out. I usually take my tires there t get mounted, and usually pick up a few parts.....only honda shop close to me.
  14. they use a bic pen, take the ink tube out and it fits right in there, i used to do that to the candy machines at my old job.
  15. yep, kinda like onstar for dogs....Dogstar....
  16. hey roy, just put ur stuff in Dan's new hauler, im sure he has PLENTY of extra room.Those are HUGE
  17. damn,,,,,,,,,stupid a$$ kid......that was funny
  18. saaweet.........i seen that on honda's website, and i like
  19. yea, whats that all about, They work on ALL of my quads, and never had any problems with mine....
  20. that was actually her dads....................(sorry kayla, had to do it)
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